Fall 1980 Eighth Midwest Partial Differential Equations Seminar
University of Wisconsin - Madison
October 1980
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From a very poor copy of the program:
- Walter Strauss (Brown)
- Scattering of Nonlinear Klein-Gordon Waves
- David Hoff (Indiana)
- Globally smooth solutions of hyperbolic equations
- David Sattinger (Minnesota)
- Carlos Kenig
- Harold Donnelly (Purdue)
- Spectral Geometry for Noncompact Riemannian Manifolds
- Richard Beals (Yale)
- Second Order Hypoelliptic Operators
- Brooke Benjamin (Stony Brook)
- Charles Amick (Chicago)
- On ... solitary waves
The Midwest Partial Differential Equations Seminar is partially funded by a grant from the National Science Foundation.
The current URL is http://homepages.math.uic.edu/%7Ejlewis/midwpde/mpdefall1980.htm
Last Modified 10/08/2011 00:30:01 by jlewis@uic.edu
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