Study Outline for Final Exam
The exam will consist of 4 problems. You will required to do an LU decomposition with virtual scaling and partial pivoting. This will be 40 points. The additional 60 points will come from 3 out of at least 5 problems. Problems will come from all parts of the course.
Final exam study outline:
p norms of general vectors
definition of induced matrix p norms
p=infinity and p=1 matrix norms, actual computation.
definition of p=2 matrix norm. (Do not need to compute it.)
Definition of Condition number of a function.
Definition of the Condition number of a matrix.
Error propagation thru condition numbers.
How can the relative roundoff error in b (=A*x) be small with the roundoff error in x still being large?
Jacobi method.
Gauss-Seidel method.
Given a system of linear equations recast it in the proper form so that the G-S or J method is sure to converge. Compute several iterates.
Definition of a convergent matrix.
A sufficient condition to insure that S or G-J converge (Diagonal dominance.)
Computation of L_ij(x) (=1 when X_i=X_j, =0 when x_i!=x_j)
Computation of divided difference table.
Numerically best form of the Newton divided difference approximating polynomial for expansion about a specific given point. e.g. given the value of f(x) ant x=0,1.2,3.4,5.0, and 7.3 find a Newton divided difference polynomial of the third degree which interpolates the data at the point x=1.4.
Facts about f[x_0,x_1,x_2,...,x_n].
Constant Differences.
Why interpolations of high degree (>7) are undesireable.
Definition of a Natural cubic spline.
Defintion of parabolic and linear splines.
How to extend a given function as a cubic spline.
Cubic spline end conditions:
Computation of a natural cubic spline going through three points (x_0,y_0), (x_1,y_1) and (x_2,y_2) with natural end conditions.
Special cases of splines which are easy to compute.
Note: you are NOT responsible for the general formula to compute the spline ging through n points.
Truncation error.
Roundoff error.
Simple approximations to f'(x) which have O(h) and O(h^2) error.
Construction of how to chose the optimal value of h to minimize the error in computation.
Compute the most dominant eigenvalue by the power method.