Fixed Point Iteration A example of a proc to generate a sequence of iterates > restart;iterates:= proc(g,p0,nmax) > seq((g@@i)(p0), i=0..nmax) > end; iterates := proc(g, p0, nmax) seq((g@@i)(p0), i = 0 .. nmax) end proc > iterates(x->x^2,a,5); 2 4 8 16 32 a, a , a , a , a , a > h := x -> x*(1-x); > > h := x -> x (1 - x) A proc to generate a cobweb graph of an iteration we need a sequence like [ 0,1], [1,1], [1,2],[ 2,2], [2,3], [3,3], [3,4],.....] hence we use trunc. > cob:= proc(g,t1,lastn) > pp:= [[t1,0],[t1,g(t1)],seq([(g@@trunc((i+1)/2))(t1),(g@@trunc((i+2)/2))(t1)],i=1..lastn)]; > ; plot1:= plot(pp,x=0..1,style=LINE): > plot2:= plot({x,g(x)},x=0..1): > plots[display]({plot1,plot2}); > end; Warning, `pp` is implicitly declared local to procedure `cob` Warning, `plot1` is implicitly declared local to procedure `cob` Warning, `plot2` is implicitly declared local to procedure `cob` cob := proc(g, t1, lastn) local pp, plot1, plot2; pp := [[t1, 0], [t1, g(t1)], seq([ (g@@(trunc(1/2*i + 1/2)))(t1), (g@@(trunc(1/2*i + 1)))(t1)], i = 1 .. lastn)]; plot1 := plot(pp, x = 0 .. 1, style = LINE); plot2 := plot({x, g(x)}, x = 0 .. 1); plots[display]({plot1, plot2}) end proc > cob(h,.7,20); > h1 := D(h); h1 := x -> 1 - 2 x Newton's method using the iterates proc > f := x -> x - h(x)/h1(x); h(x) f := x -> x - ----- h1(x) > iterates(f,.7,10); .7, 1.225000000, 1.034913793, 1.001139411, 1.000001295, 1.000000000, 1.000000000, 1.000000000, 1.000000000, 1.000000000, 1.000000000 > plot(h(x),x=0..2); > hh:= x ->x+3/5*(x*(1-x)); hh := x -> x + 3/5 x (1 - x) > cob(hh,0.1,20);
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