Max Palevsky Commons and Maclean House offer many extras:
Laundry Facilities
Coin operated at $.75/load
Vending Machines
In all Palevsky buildings, the machines are located on the first floor just beyond the security door
In Maclean, the machines are located on the second floor
Commons Rooms with video games, TVs, pool tables, etc.
Computer Labs
Accessible Data Ports
Computer labs are open the entire summer and can be used by any member of any group. Or if you prefer to hook-up from your personal room, conference guests can claim a temporary University of Chicago C-NET ID and password to access the campus database. Please see your conference coordinator for instructions.
Summer Conference Programming Services
1450 E. 59th Street
Chicago, Illinois 60637
Phone (773) 702-2310
Fax (773) 702-2312
University of CHicago
Max Palevsky Commons
Welcome to The University of Chicago! We want to make your stay with us a pleasant one. The following information is intended to help you become familiar with your surroundings, as well as make you aware of important policy and procedure guidelines.
If you ever need assistance regarding emergencies, problems with your room, direction and or have any general information questions about items presented in this brochure, each building employs a desk clerk 24 hours/day 7 days/week to help you. Just dial the five digit extension listed below:
Max Palevsky the desk clerk is located in the Central building. This clerk will handle all issues for all three buildings of Max Palevsky. The clerk can be reached at 4-9202.
Maclean the clerk can be reached at 2-2700.
For guests residing in Max Palevsky Commons, linens will be provided during your stay. Linens can be exchanged every Friday between the hours of 7am and 9am at the front reception area of each building.
At check-in each guest must register at the front desk to receiver your key or key card to your room and sign-in on the register.
You are also asked to check-out at the front desk, sign out, and return any and all keys or key cards at this time. Any keys/key cards that are not returned are subject to a $25/key replacement fee.
Check-out time if 12pm, unless special arrangements have been made by your conference group manager.
Before you check-out officially at the front desk:
Place all furniture in its original position
Check all drawers and the closet for personal items
Turn off all lights and close the windows
Set the air-conditioning to low
There are direct dial phones in each room. You can call room to room or anywhere on campus by dialing the last 5 digits of the phone number (2-XXXX or 4-XXXX). To make outside local or long distance calls you must dial a 9 + the calling card number and follow the instructions. You are also allowed to make a collect call. Cellular phones are permitted in the Residence Halls.
Mail can be received and delivered to you during your stay. Mail received after your departure will be returned to sender. The mail will need to be addressed in the following manner.:
Mail notices will be posted at the Central font desk and mail can be picked up at the Central Mail Room Monday-Friday between the hours of 10am and 5pm.
To obtain a temporary parking
permit, the guest or host should contact he Parking Office at
702-8969 for current location and parking rates. ** Please note: all
University parking lots are free from 4pm to 7:50am**
For information regarding mass transportation throughout Hyde Park and the Chicago Area, go to one of the following websites:
Max Palevsky Commons is a fully air-conditioned building. The fan can be set to high, medium, or low to change the temperature in the room.
Hyde Park and Chicago in the summer are fantastic. Tons of summer festivals and block parties. For more information on the goings-on visit: