Welcome to 18.726! This course is the second semester of the introductory graduate algebraic geometry sequence. The course will develop the theory of schemes and sheaf cohomology. We will follow the second and third chapters of Hartshorne very closely.
Prerequisites: The first semester algebraic geometry course 18.725. Some familiarity with algebraic topology and complex or differential manifolds helpful.
Time and Venue: Tuesday-Thursday 9:30- 11:00 am in room 2-146
Lecturer: Izzet Coskun, coskun at math.mit.edu
Office: 2-167
Required text: Robin Hartshorne, Algebraic Geometry, Graduate Texts in Mathematics 52, Springer 1977.
Grading: There will be weekly problem sets. There will not be any midterm or final exams. The grade will be entirely based on the problem sets.
Problem Sets: