
speakers   :

dan abramovich / brown
enrico arbarello / rome I
lucia caporaso / rome III
izzet coskun / uic
johan de jong / columbia
david eisenbud / berkeley
gavril farkas / humboldt u berlin
william fulton / michigan
tom graber / caltech
phillip griffiths / ias
benedict gross / harvard
brendan hassett / rice
robert lazarsfeld / michigan
james mckernan / mit
kieran o'grady / rome I
rahul pandharipande / princeton
david smyth / harvard
jason starr / suny stony broo
ravi vakil / stanford
claire voisin / jussieu

organizing committee   :

izzet coskun / uic
david a ellwood / cmi
benedict gross / harvard
david smyth / harvard
jason starr / suny stony brook

organizing committee   :

dan abramovich / brown
lucia caporaso / rome III
brendan hassett / rice
james mckernan / mit
kieran o'grady / rome I
rahul pandharipande / princeton
ravi vakil / stanford

Registered Participants : You can find the current list of registered participants here. This list will be updated every two-three weeks.

Poster Session : On Saturday August 27 in the afternoon there will be a poster session. If you would like to present a poster, please e-mail your name, affiliation, the subject of your poster and a statement of the main theorems to joeAG60 at with Poster session as the subject heading by May 30, 2011. Please indicate whether you need to present a poster in order to receive funding from your home institution. Priority will be given to young researchers.

Problem Session : On Thursday August 25, there will be a problem session. A write-up of the problems will be available here after the conference.

Accommodations : We have put a hold on a block of 50 rooms at Friendly Inn and A Cambridge House. The rooms will be available for $147 per night to the participants of the conference. In order to take advantage of this offer, you must make your reservations by July 1, 2011. Please make sure to tell them that you are a participant at the "Harvard Mathematics Conference" when making your reservations. Participants are strongly encouraged to book their rooms as early as possible since finding accommodations can be difficult close to the beginning of the semester.

Financial Support : We have some funds to support graduate students and young researchers who would like to attend the conference. We especially welcome applications from underrepresented groups. If you would like to receive funding, please register by May 1, 2011 and clearly indicate the funding you are requesting.If you have been offered funds, please fill out the following two forms Form 1 and Form 2

Former graduate students of Joe Harris

Important Visa Information : If you are an international participant, please follow this link to read about important visa information.

Important Information about Travel Reimbursement : Visitors who will receive funding from NSF must fly a US carrier in order to receive airfare reimbursement. When US carriers have code-share agreements with foreign carriers, you may use a foreign carrier only if the flight number has a US carrier name.

We are grateful for the generous support of the National Science Foundation, the Clay Mathematics Institute, Harvard University and the Harvard University Mathematics Department. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.

thursday 25 aug

friday 26 aug
saturday 27 aug
sunday 28 aug
9:30 Opening remarks
9:45-10:45 James McKernan
9:45-10:45 Brendan Hassett 9:00-10:00 Rahul Pandharipande 9:00-10:00 Lucia Caporaso
11:00-12:00 Izzet Coskun
11:00-12:00 Jason Starr 10:15-11:15 David Smyth 10:15-11:15 Kieran O'Grady
2:00-3:00 Phillip Griffiths 2:00-3:00 David Eisenbud 11:30-12:30 Dan Abramovich 11:30-12:30 Dick Gross
3:15-4:15 Johan de Jong 3:15-4:15 Robert Lazarsfeld 2:30-3:30 Claire Voisin
4:45-5:45 Problem Session 4:30-5:30 Bill Fulton 3:45-4:45 Gabi Farkas
Banquet 5:00-6:00 Poster Session

we congratulate Joe on his election to the national academy of sciences!!!


Registration : Please register here by June 1, 2011. There may be some funding available for graduate students and young researchers. If you are requesting funding, you must register by May 1, 2011 and fill out all the details on the registration page.

Banquet : Friday August 26 at the Harvard Faculty Club, by invitation only.

Venue : The conference will take place at Harvard University Science Center Lecture Hall C.

Schedule : Video of talks Conference photos

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