Welcome to MATH 516! This course is an introduction to algebra at the beginning graduate level. It will cover categories, groups, rings and modules, including the Sylow Theorems and the classification of finitely generated modules over a PID.
Prerequisites: MATH 330 and MATH 435, or equivalent undergraduate algebra courses
Time and Venue: MWF 12:00--12:50 in Addams Hall 302.
Lecturer: Izzet Coskun
Office: SEO 423
Required text: Paolo Aluffi, Algebra: Chapter 0 Graduate Studies in Mathematics 104, AMS, Providence, Rhode Island, 2009. You can find errata for the book here
Grading: There will be weekly problem sets. These problem sets will account for 50% of your grade. There will be a take-home midterm and a take-home final. These will account for 20% and 30% of your grade, respectively. Homework is the most important component of this course. Failure to turn in more than two problem sets will result your grade to be lowered to at most a B. Failure to turn in more than four problem sets will result in an automatic F for the class.
Problem Sets: