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Course Description: Matrices, Gaussian elimination, vector spaces, LU-decomposition, orthogonality, Gram-Schmidt process, determinants, inner products, eigenvalue problems, applications to differential equations and Markov processes. Credit is not given in both Mathematics 310 and 320.

Prerequisite: Grade of C or better in Math 210.

Textbook: Steven J. Leon, Linear Algebra with Applications (7th edition), Prentice-Hall, 2005.

Disabilities: Students with disabilities who require accommodations for access and participation in this course must be registered with the Office of Disability Services (ODS). Please contact ODS at 312/413-2103 (voice) or 312/413-0123 (TTY).

Academic Integrity: Students are expected to be thoroughly familiar with the University's policy on academic integrity. See page 56 of the 2001-2003 Undergraduate Catalog. The University has instituted serious penalties for academic dishonesty. We have encouraged you to work with your classmates on homework. Regarding homework, quizzes, hour exams, and the final examination: Copying work to be submitted for grade, or allowing your work to be submitted for grade to be copied, is considered academic dishonesty.