[Papers] [Alex Furman]

Invariant measures and stiffness for non Abelian groups of toral automorphisms

Let G be a non-elementary subgroup of SL2(Z). If m is a probability measure on T2 which is G-invariant, then m is a convex combination of the Haar measure and an atomic probability measure supported by rational points. The same conclusion holds under the weaker assumption that m is p-stationary, i.e. m=p*m, where p is a finitely supported probability measure on G whose support generates G. The approach works more generally for G < SLd(Z).

Authors: J. Bourgain, A. Furman, E. Lindenstrauss, S. Mozes
Bibliographical: C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, Ser. I 344 (2007) 737--742.
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[Papers] [Alex Furman]