[Papers] [Alex Furman]

Lattice envelopes

We introduce a class of countable groups by some abstract group-theoretic conditions. It includes linear groups with finite amenable radical and finitely generated residually finite groups with some non-vanishing $\ell^2$-Betti numbers that are not virtually a product of two infinite groups. Further, it includes acylindrically hyperbolic groups. For any group $\Gamma$ in this class we determine the general structure of its possible lattice embeddings, i.e. of all compactly generated, locally compact groups that contain $\Gamma$ as a lattice. This leads to a precise description of possible non-uniform lattice embeddings of groups in this class. Further applications include the determination of possible lattice embeddings of fundamental groups of closed manifolds with pinched negative curvature.

Authors: U. Bader, A. Furman, R. Sauer
Bibliographical: Duke Math. J., 169 (2020), no. 2, 213 -– 278.
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[Papers] [Alex Furman]