Resulting in one minimum value in terms of a built-in function W:
{Remark: Actual output is in EPS (Encapsulated PostScript).}
exp(-W(-1/10*e^4)+4) + 5*W(1/10*e^4)^2
To get a numerical floating point 10 digit value using the Maple "evalf"
function, enter:
> evalf(",10);
{Remark: The double (") repeats the last expression.}
Resulting in the floating point numerical minimum value:
Caution: Example of minimize function problems:
{Remark: Always confirm by other means that Maple is giving the correct
result and that you are correctly interpreting the Maple result. For example,
use Maple the "plot" function to plot your function.}
2. To minimize the reciprocal function:
> minimize(1/x,{x},{x=1..3});
Resulting in an INCORRECT actual minimum value:
- infinity
{Remark: The answer is in fact a correct, but crude, global bound,
but the Maple "minimize" function has a bug with the reciprocal "1/x".}
{WARNING: "minimize", and "maximize" which uses it, have difficulties
with some non-algebraic functions.
So minimize the an APPROXIMATION to the reciprocal function:
> minimize(1/sqrt(x^2+1e-20),{x},{x=1..3});
Resulting in a CORRECT actual minimum value:
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