TOMLAB Optimization Environment in MATLAB, with
65 numerically robust algorithms for linear, discrete,
nonlinear, global optimization and constrained nonlinear parameter
Scilab Home Page: (Click Here)
(Free Scientific Software Package similar to MATLAB):
Scilab is a scientific software package for numerical computations in a
user-friendly environment. It features:
Matlab-like syntax.
Stunning graphics (2d, 3d, animation).
Open structure (easy interfacing with Fortran and C via online dynamic
Linear Algebra (including sparse matrices, Kronecker form,
ordered Schur,...).
Control (Classical, LQG, H-infinity,...).
Package for LMI (Linear Matrix Inequalities) optimization.
Signal processing.
Simulation (various ode's, dassl,...).
Optimization (differentiable and non-differentiable, LQ solver).
Scicos, an interactive environment for modeling
and simulation of hybrid systems.
Metanet (network analysis and optimization).
Symbolic capabilities through Maple interface.
More MATLAB Texts:
Delores M. Etter,
Engineering Problem Solving with MATLAB, Prentice Hall, 1993.
Walter Gander and Jiri Hrebicek,
Solving Problems in Scientific Computing Using Maple and
MATLAB, Springer, 1995.
Curtis Gerald and Patrick Wheatley,
Applied Numerical Analysis, Addison-Wesley, 1999.
(MCS471 Numerical Text has MATLAB sections.)
Laurene Fausett,
Applied Numerical Analysis Using MATLAB, Prentice Hall, 1999.
George Lindfield and John Penny,
Numerical Methods Using MATLAB, Prentice Hall, 2000.
Charles F. van Loan,
Introduction to Scientific Computing: A Matrix-Vector Approach
Using MATLAB, Prentice Hall, 1999.
Rudra Pratap,
Getting Started with MATLAB, Saunders, 1996.
Search also on "MATLAB" for a large listing
MATLAB related books.
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