> ?and you should get the beginning help window on your screen.
> ?libAgain, to quit "Click" on the upper left button in MathLab, but upper right "X" in PCLabs MSWindowsXX. To merely change windows, click on the word "Window" and select your choice at the bottom of the menu.
> ?introAgain, to quit "Click" on the upper left button in MathLab, but upper right "X" in PCLabs MSWindowsXX. To merely change windows,
> 1 * 4 / 2 -3;
> 1 + 2 / 3 + 4^5;
> evalf(%);
> int(4*x^3,x);
4 x
> y:=4*x^3;
3 y := 4 x
> plot(y,x);but the answer comes up in a separate MaplePlot window.
> fsolve(x^3+x^2-3*x-3=0,x);Note, here the equal sign "=" since means just an equation, distinct from the Maple definition ":=". Output:
-1.732050808, -1., 1.732050808
> f:=x->x^3+x^2-3*x-3;
f:= x-> x^3 + x^2 - 3 x - 3
> diff(f(x),x);
3 x^2 + 2 x - 3
> int(12*f(x),x);
3 x^4 + 4 x^3 - 18 x^2 - 36 x
> ?newuser,usermenuFor instance, click on "NUMERICAL CALCULATIONS" option in the New User's Tour and execute the following worksheet by pressing "Enter" at each Maple command line, starting with the restart Maple command line. {Note that it is a good idea to start all your Maple worksheets with the restart command, since this clears all of Maple's former memory including errors and allows you to start afresh; in fact, if you are having Maple troubles restarting is a good idea, since the source of the trouble may be Maple's long memory of things no longer on your current worksheet.}
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