Use the SOR method with \omega=1.25
(where the normalization is so that (1-\omega) is
the coefficient of the principal diagonal term on the RHS of the
SOR difference equation) to numerically approximate the solution of
a u_{xx} + b u_{yy} + c u_x + d u_y + e u = 0,
where a=1.2, b=0.8, c=0.7 x,
d=0.5 y and e=-2.0;
u(x,0)=x/2, u(0,y)=y/4, u(1,y)=(2+y)/2
and u(x,1)=(x+0.5)/2;
on 0 < x < 1, 0 < y < 1.
Finite difference with h_1=0.25=h_2
and with initial iterate
U_{i,j}^{(0)} = x_i/2 + y_j/4.
Compute two (2) full iterates beyond this initial iterate.
Verify that the coefficient matrix of the Jacobi method is diagonally
dominant (i.e. ||D||_{\infty} > ||L + U||_{\infty}, assuming the
\infty-norm or max. row sum norm).
{Final answer only (the initial iterate is k=0):
j U_{1,j}^{(3)} U_{2,j}^{(3)} U_{3,j}^{(3)} U_{4,j}^{(3)} U_{5,j}^{(3)}
5 .2500 .3750 .5000 .6250 .1125e1
4 .1875 .2964(3) .5625(3) .8532(1) 1.375
3 .1250 .2352(1) .4752(1,0) .8273(2) 1.250
2 .06250 .1784(3) .3760(5,4) .6801(7,9) 1.125
1 0 .1250 .2500 .3750 .7500
[Note that (number) denotes a legimate alternate digit;
||D||_{\infty}=66>||L+U||_{\infty}=64 in the \infty-norm]}