Floyd B. Hanson
Grants for Recent Years
NSF DMS-880699, National Science Foundation,
Computational Mathematics Program,
Principal Investigator, Advanced Computational
Stochastic Dynamic Programming for Continuous Time Problems, 3 years,
NCSA Grant No. DCR860001N,
National Center for Supercomputing Applications,
University of Illinois at Urbana, CRAY X-MP/24 Starter Research Account,
Projects ZZJ and YCA, Principal Investigator,
Scientific Computation for Stochastic Optimal Control with Fast
Supercomputer Algorithms, April 1986-October
Argonne National Laboratory,
Advanced Computing Research Facility, Project Director,
Math 497 Numerical Methods for Supercomputers,
Class Computer Account on Alliant FX/8 vector multiprocessor,
Winter 1987, Spring 1988, Winter 1989, Winters 1990-1991.
NCSA Grant No. SEE890001N,
National Center for Supercomputing Applications,
University of Illinois at Urbana, CRAY X-MP/48,
Cray 2S/4-128, Cray Y-MP/4-64 Starter
Educational Accounts, Projects YST (Winter 1987)
Principal Investigator, Math 497 Numerical Methods for Supercomputers,
YYJ (Spring 1988),
and Introduction to Supercomputing, YCA (Winter 1989),
XMZ (Winter 1990) and WTJ (Winter 1991).
NCSA Grant No. DMS890009N,
National Center for Supercomputing Applications,
University of Illinois at Urbana, CRAY 2 and CRAY X-MP/48
Research Account, Project XFM,
Principal Investigator,
Supercomputing Algorithms for Large Scale Stochastic Dynamic
Programming, August 1989-December 1991.
Argonne National Laboratory, Advanced Computing
Research Facility 16K processor Connection Machine CM-2,
Faculty Advisor for H. H. Xu,
Optimal Data Parallel Algorithms for Dynamic
Programming Algorithms: Proposal for the ACRF CM-2, December 1989.
NCSA Grant No. DMS900016N,
National Center for Supercomputing Applications,
University of Illinois at Urbana, 32K processor Connection Machine CM-2
Research Account, Project WND,
Principal Investigator,
Optimal Data Parallel Algorithms for
Dynamic Programming Problems: Proposal for the NCSA CM-2,
September 1990-December 1991.
ACL-Account Z803835,
Los Alamos National Laboratory,
Advanced Computing Laboratory, 64K processor Connection Machine CM-2,
Principal Investigator,
Optimal Data Parallel Methods for Stochastic Dynamic Programming,
NCSA Grant No. TRA910446N,
National Center for Supercomputing Applications,
University of Illinois at Urbana,
Cray 2S/4-128, Cray Y-MP4/4-64 and Connection Machine CM-2
Educational Accounts, Project VOX,
Principal Investigator,
Math 563 Introduction to Supercomputing, Fall 1991 class.
NCSA Grant No. DMS920003N,
National Center for Supercomputing Applications,
University of Illinois at Urbana, CRAY 2S/4-128, CRAY Y-MP4/464
and Connection Machine CM-2 Research Account, Project UHX,
Principal Investigator,
Supercomputing Algorithms for Large Scale Stochastic Dynamic
Programming, January 17 1992-January 14 1993, renewed for CM-2,
512-processor CM-5 and Y-MP to February 28 1994,
but to 15 May 1994 for the CM-5.
NSF Grant DMS 91-02343, National Science Foundation,
Computational Mathematics Program,
Principal Investigator, Advanced
Computational Stochastic Dynamic Programming for Continuous Time Problems,
2 years, NSF DMS 91-02343, $65,999 grant, 7/15/91 - 6/15/94.
NCSA Grant No. TRA920525N,
National Center for Supercomputing Applications,
University of Illinois at Urbana,
Cray 2S/4-128, Cray Y-MP4/4-64 and Connection Machine CM-2
Educational Accounts, Project UXM,
Principal Investigator,
Math 563 Introduction to Supercomputing, Fall 1992 class,
July 22 - December 30 1992.
ACL Resource Allocation Award gwqfbh-d,
Los Alamos National Laboratory, Advanced Computing Laboratory
1K processor Connection Machine CM-5, Principal Investigator,
Optimal Management of Ground Water Quality Using Parallel
Stochastic Dynamic Programming, Application Development,
1 June 1993-15 April 1994, renewal: 14 April 1994-15 October 1994.
NSF Grant DMS 93-01107, National Science Foundation,
Computational Mathematics Program, Principal Investigator,
Advanced Computational Stochastic Dynamic Programming for Continuous Time
3 years, for $90K at $30K per year, August 1993-December 1996.
NCSA Grant No. SEE930000N
National Center for Supercomputing Applications,
University of Illinois at Urbana,
Account SBA, Principal Investigator, MCS572 Introduction to
Supercomputing, Fall 1993, with 15 SUs each on Cray YMP4/4-64, CM-2/512
and CM-5/512VU, 3 September 1993 to 30 July 1994.
NCSA Grant No. SEE930001N,
National Center for Supercomputing Applications,
University of Illinois at Urbana,
Account SBM, Principal Investigator, MCS573-EECS574 Workshop Program
on Scientific Supercomputing, Fall 93, with 6 SUs each on Cray YMP4/4-64,
CM-2/512 and CM-5/512VU, 3 September 1993 to 30 December 93.
CTC Educational Account 6070,
Cornell Theory Center CNSF, Cornell University, IBM ES9000,
Principal Investigator,
MCS573-EECS574 Workshop Program on Scientific Supercomputing,
Fall 93, 16 September 1993 to 1 January 1994.
PSC Grant No. DMS940001P,
Pittsburgh Supercomputing Center,
30 SUs on Cray Y-MP C90 and related computers,
Principal Investigator, SuperComputing
Algorithms for Large Scale Stochastic Dynamic Programming Problems:
Groundwater Quality Remediation,
February 21, 1994 to
March 15, 1995.
PSC Grant No. DMS9400011P,
Pittsburgh Supercomputing Center,
160 SUs on Distributed Alpha Supercluster,
F. B. Hanson and L. H. Kauffman, Co-Principal
Investigators, Visualization of Quaternion Julia Sets with
May 23, 1994 to June 15, 1995.
NCSA Grant No. DMS920003N,
National Center for Supercomputing Applications,
University of Illinois at Urbana, Connection Machine CM-5 Research Account,
Project UHX Renewal,
Principal Investigator,
Supercomputing Algorithms for Large Scale Stochastic Dynamic Programming:
Groundwater Quality Remediation, 100 Supercomputer Units on the
CM-5, July 28, 1994-July 30, 1995.
Grants/Contracts for conference support Co-PI with Stephen Yau and
Shing-Tung Yau (Harvard) for "International Conference for Control and
Information 1995, Hong Kong," to Army Research Office,
and Army Research Office - Far East,
August 1994-June 1995.
ONR Grant No. N00014-95-0133,
Co-Principal Investigator with Stephen Yau,
Office of Naval Research, International Conference on Control and
Information 1995, $5,000, support for invited speakers, 11/15/94-11/14/95.
PSC Grant No. SEE950019P,
F. B. Hanson , Principal Investigator, Pittsburgh Supercomputer
Center, Title: Coursework: Introduction to Supercomputing,
16 SUs on Cray C90 and 500 SUs on the Cray T3D,
September 13,1995-September 15, 1996.
PSC Grant No. SEE960014P,
Pittsburgh Supercomputer Center,
Title: MCS Introduction to Supercomputing Coursework Renewal Proposal,
16 Supercomputing Units on C90/J90, 500 on T3D,
Purpose: Research Supercomputer Access for Class,
23 July 1996 - 15 Aprll 1997.
NSF Grant DMS 96-26692
F. B. Hanson, Principal Investigator,
National Science Foundation,
Title: Advanced Computational Stochastic Dynamic Programming for
Continuous Time Problems,
$102,000 for three years,
Purpose: Research, Equipment and Graduate Student Support,
8/1/96 - 1/31/2000.
NCSA Grant No. DMS960002N, Project UHX
F. B. Hanson, Principal Investigator,
National Center for Supercomputing Applications,
Title: Supercomputing Algorithms for Large Scale Stochastic Dynamic
Programming: Groundwater Quality Remediation,
Amount: 200 Supercomputing Units on Connection Machine CM-5/512
Purpose: Research, 5/13/96-5/14/97
Access Period: Fall 1997,
Amount: 16 Supercomputing Units on Cray C90
Vector Multiprocessor, and 170 on Cray T3E Massively Parallel Processor,
Agency: Pittsburgh Supercomputer Center ,
Grant Number: PSC Grant No. SEE970011P,
Title: MCS 572 Introduction to Supercomputing Course Work,
Role: Principal Investigator,
Purpose: Educational Supercomputer Access.
Access Period: Fall 1997,
Amount: 16 Supercomputing Units on SGI Power Challenge Array,
Agency: National Center for Supercomputing Applications,
Grant Number: NCSA Grant No. TRA970024N,
Title: MCS 572 Introduction to Supercomputing Course Work,
Role: Principal Investigator,
Purpose: Educational Supercomputer Access.
Access Period: Fall 1998 for one year,
Amount: 50 Supercomputing Units on Cray T90
Vector Multiprocessor and 2000 on Cray T3E Massively Parallel Processor,
Agency: NPACI - San Diego Supercomputer Center,
Grant Number: PSC Grant No. ui1203,
Title: MCS 572 Introduction to Supercomputing Course Work,
Role: Principal Investigator,
Purpose: Educational Supercomputer Access.
Access Period: Fall 1998,
Amount: 500 Supercomputing Units on SGI Cray Origin 2000,
Agency: NCSA - National Center for Supercomputing Applications,
Grant Number: NCSA Grant No. TRA980017N,
Title: MCS 572 Introduction to Supercomputing Course Work,
Role: Principal Investigator,
Purpose: Educational Supercomputer Access.
NSF Grant DMS 99-73231
F. B. Hanson, Principal Investigator,
National Science Foundation,
Title: Advanced Computational Stochastic Dynamic Programming for
Continuous Time Problems,
$189,050 for three years,
Purpose: Research, Equipment and Graduate Student Support,
09/01/1999 - 08/31/2002.
NSF Grant DMS 02-07081
F. B. Hanson, Principal Investigator,
National Science Foundation,
Title: Advanced Computational Stochastic Dynamic Programming for
Continuous Time Problems,
$302,100 for three years,
Purpose: Research, Equipment and Graduate Student Support,
09/01/2002 - 08/31/2006, including extension.