Moving Your MathLab Webpage to UIC Computer "icarus":

Hanson, Fall 1998

Assuming You are Logged into a MathLab 200SEO Computer:

  1. Double Click on the Terminal Icon on Dock at the Right;

  2. In the Terminal Window, Type the Communication Command:


    and Press the Enter Key;

  3. On the icarus Command Line, Enter the Unix Make-Directory Command:

    mkdir  public_html

    and Press the Enter Key (if you already have a public_html directory on icarus (you should), you will get a message saying that, ignore it, and just continue fixing the file permissions next);

  4. Type the Unix Change Mode Commands to Make Your Web and Home Directory ReadableEXecutable (+rx) to All (a):

    chmod  a+rx  public_html

    chmod  a+rx  ~

    and Press the Enter Key each time (Watch Out for the Tilde "~"! You can check permissions by the long list command "ls -l");

  5. Type the Unix Change Directory Command:

    cd  public_html

    and Press the Enter Key;

  6. Type the FTP File Transfer Command to Get to Your MathLab Web Files:


    and Press the Enter Key;

  7. Finally, On the icarus Command Line, Type the Change Mode Command to Make Your Web Files Readable:

    chmod  a+r  *

    and Press the Enter Key (the "*" is a "wildcard" meaning any file);

  8. Also, if you have image source files that have animation, On the icarus Command Line, Type the Change Mode Command to Make Your Web Files Readable&Executable:

    chmod  a+rx  *.gif *.jpg *.tiff *.JPG

    and Press the Enter Key (add any image file formats that have been left off this list of GIF, JPG and TIFF files);

  9. Returning to Your MathLab OmniWeb (OW) Browser, Click on Open URL or Alt-O and Type in the Open URL Window:[Your-icarus-LoginID]

    (Watch Out for the Tilde "~"! If all you get is a gray browser window, try the browser "Reload (Alt-u)" command.);

Caution: If you have files that you want to keep private, you may want to check that making your webpage readable to all did not change that privacy: Type the Unix long list command: and if there is the mark on the for files and for directories other than there should be not problem. Otherwise, on icarus type without quotes and Press Enter.

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