Keys for UIC West Campus Map:
Web Page Design for Beginners (Hanson, Fall 1998)
2. Administration Office Building
3. Administration Services Building
8. Associated Health Professions Building
9. Auxiliary Services Refrigeration Plant
11. Benjamin Goldberg Research Center (contains Computer Center)
12. Biological Resources Laboratory
14. Campus Health Services
15. Campus Newman Center
16. Central Refrigeration Plant
19. Chicago Illini Union
21. Clinical Sciences Building
22. Clinical Sciences North
24. College of Dentistry
25. College of Medicine East Tower
25. College of Medicine West
25. College of Medicine West Tower
28. College of Nursing
29. College of Pharmacy
31. CTA Rapid Transit Station at Medical Center
33. CTA Rapid Transit Station at Polk Street
35. Easter Seal Building
38. Environmental Safety Facility
46. Hazardous Materials Storage Facility
48. Illinois Institute for Developmental Disabilities
51. Institute for Juvenile Research
55. Laundry Building
63. Library of the Health Sciences
65. Lions of Illinois Eye Research Institute
66. Magnetic Resonance Imaging Center
67. Marshfield Avenue Building
68. Medical Center Steam Plant
69. Medical Sciences Building
70. Medical Sciences South
71. Molecular Biology Research Building
72. Neuropsychiatric Institute
74. Paulina Street Parking Structure
75. Paulina Street Building
78. Polk Street Residence Hall
85. Satellite Union Building
86. School of Public Health East
87. School of Public Health West
92. Single Student Residence
95. Student Residence Hall
100. UIC Eye and Ear Infirmary
105. United Church of the Medical Center
107. University of Illinois Hospital
110. West Side Veterans Administration Hospital
111. Wood Street Parking Structure
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