function p = bivnormcdf(a,b,rho) %Gives the bivariate normal disribution function probabilities %As given in Hull's textbook %Author: Sivakumar Batthala %MBA candidate %Chicago Graduate School of Business %University of chicago %Date:02/23/2005 %Please email for any clarifications or errors. %For additional derivatives pricing models and guides, please visit % if(a <= 0 && b <= 0 && rho <= 0) aprime = a/(sqrt(2*(1-(rho.^2)))); bprime = b/(sqrt(2*(1-(rho.^2)))); A = [0.3253030 0.4211071 0.1334425 0.006374323]; B = [0.1337764 0.6243247 1.3425378 2.2626645]; F = 'exp(aprime*(2*x - aprime)+ (bprime*(2*y - bprime)) + (2*rho *(x - aprime)*(y-bprime)))'; t = 0; for i=1:4 for j=1:4 x = B(i); y = B(j); t = t + A(i)*A(j)*eval(F); end end p = (sqrt(1-rho.^2)/pi) * t; elseif (a * b * rho <= 0) if (a <=0 && b >=0 && rho >=0) p = normcdfM(a) - bivnormcdf(a,-b,-rho); elseif (a >=0 && b <=0 && rho >=0) p = normcdfM(b) - bivnormcdf(-a,b,-rho); elseif (a >=0 && b >=0 && rho <=0) %modified here at 1:45 AM p = normcdfM(a) + normcdfM(b) - 1 + bivnormcdf(-a,-b,rho); end elseif a*b*rho > 0; %Could not use the In-Built function sign(x) because it is +1 if x>=0 %not just x>0 as in Matlab. if(a >= 0), asign =1 ; else asign = -1; end if(b >= 0), bsign =1 ; else bsign = -1; end rho1 = (rho*a - b)*asign/(sqrt(a.^2 - (2*rho*a*b) + b.^2)); rho2 = (rho*b - a)*bsign/(sqrt(a.^2 - (2*rho*a*b) + b.^2)); delta = (1-(asign*bsign))/4; p = bivnormcdf(a,0,rho1) + bivnormcdf(b,0,rho2) - delta ; end