Math 590 Financial Engineering
or Mathematics of Stock Markets
Fall 1996
Time Table:
Time=11MWF Room=316TH Call=61738 Instructor=Lipton
This is an introduction into a rapidly developing area of mathematics
known as financial engineering. Recent advances in understanding the
behavior of the bond and stock markets will be described from a
mathematical viewpoint. Modern financial instruments and mathematical
methods of their valuation will be discussed in detail. Hands on
experience in numerical methods will be provided.
Alexander Lipton (Lifschitz), 728 SEO, 996-4609,
Office Hours:
M, W, F 12PM or by appointment
Instructor Web Page:
Graduate standing and Math 481 Applied Partial Differential Equations
and MCS 471 Numerical Analysis or consent of the instructor
Grade will be based on homework and computer problems to be distributed
during the semester; there will be no exams
- P.W. Wilmott, S. Howison, J. Dewynne,
The Mathematics of Financial Derivatives: a Student Introduction,
Cambridge Univ Press, 1995
- J. Hull, Options, Futures, and Other Derivative Securities,
Prentice-Hall, 1993.
- G.D. Smith, Numerical Solution of Partial Differential Equations,
3rd edition, Oxford Univ Press, 1985.
- A.J. Davies, The Finite Element Method: A First Approach,
Oxford Univ Press, 1986.
List of Topics:
- Numerical Methods for Parabolic PDEs: review of finite difference
methods, explicit methods, Crank-Nicolson implicit method,
consistency, stability, convergence, Fourier stability methods,
alternating directions implicit method, higher
level schemes, nonlinear equations, predictor corrector methods,
trees, lattice methods, Monte-Carlo methods, computer problems, 12 hours
- Stochastic Processes: basic concepts, elements of random
analysis, infinite-dimensional distributions, martingales, Markov
processes with discrete time, Marcov processes with continuous
time, stochastic equations and diffusion, computer problems, 12 hours.
- Financial Derivatives: overview of stock and bond markets,
the Black-Scholes models, risk neutral pricing,
basic options, European, American, Asian, barrier, and exotic
options, free-boundary versus fixed-boundary problems, interest
rate derivatives, computer problems, 15 hours.
- Special topics: implied volatilities, the volatility smile,
chaos, nonlinear dynamics and neural networks, computer problems,
6 hours.
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