MCS 471 --- Computer Problem 3 --- Fall 2004

Computational Linear Algebra and Multidimensional Zeros:
MATLAB and Maple Computation

MATLAB m-File/Output and Maple Worksheets
Due Monday 15 November 2004

A. MATLAB Computational Linear Algebra Introduction Part:

Use MATLAB for this part of the assignment. You must hand in a well documented MATLAB m-File (see help function and use the MATLAB Command Window Menu File's Submenu New to create an m-file window) with useful comments and your Command Window Output.

B. Maple Multidimensional Zero Finding:

  1. Using the Maple fsolve function find the "aproximate" vector zero {f1=0,f2=0,f3=0,f4=0} to 10 rounded digits, when the 4 functions given below when all 4 components of x are in the range from -3 to +3 for fsolve. Print the vector zero location x = (x1, x2, x3, x4) to 10 rounded significant digits. Also, print out the infinite norm of the vector zero F = (f1, f2, f3, f4) to 10 significant digits in e-notation.
  2. Compare the Maple and MATLAB answers for the zero location, x here and the final xk+1 in the infinite norm.

    {Caution: There have been cases with older versions of Maple where fsolve does not give the correct answer for a problem like this, so if the fsolve answer does not look right, than use Maple solve inside the evalf function and ignore the range of x since solve does not take that option. Remark: regular MATLAB does have a multidimensional solver for zeros, since fzero only finds the zero of a scalar function of a scalar argument, although fminsearch finds the mininum of a scalar function of a multidimensional argument. Also, the multidimensional Newton's method presented in class can also used with MATAB, but the Jacobian of the derivatives in needed.}

C. Vector Function for 4 Dim Test Example:

be column vectors, while J[f](x) is the n by n Jacobian matrix of f evaluated at x. The component functions are given by

MATLAB and Maple Web References:

Refer to the Class MATLAB and Maple Pages, or in particular to the quick help linear algebra pages are suggested:

Web Source:

Email Comments or Questions to Professor Hanson hanson A T math uic edu

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