You can use either Octave or Maple for this assignment.
You must hand in a Octave or Maple worksheet that is well documented with
Refer to the Class Octave and Maple Pages, or in particular to the
quick help linear algebra pages are suggested:
Create a 6×6 random matrixA and a 6×1
random vectorB using either Octave or Maple tools.
Solve the linear equation A*X=B for the solution
Compute the Residual VectorR. How accurate or how good
would you say the solution was according to substitution errors?
Compute the Determinant of A.
Compute the Condition Number in the 1-norm for A.
Using the multidimensional Newton's method, approximate the
vector zero,(f,g)=(0,0), when
f(x,y) = 4.123*x²+y²-3.897
g(x,y) = exp(y)-x-2.145,
using the starting vector iterate (x,y) = (1., 1.) and finding the
three (3) more iterates. How close are the last two (2) vector interates in
the 1-norm.
Caution: if your web browser can not read "×" and "²"
they are special
characters that mean just "times" and "power of 2", respectively.
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