MCS 471 Computer Problem 3: Numerical Integration using Maple/Octave

Due: Monday 28 April 1997

Background Reading: Gerald and Wheatley, Chapter 4


Maple/Octave Computer Problem:

You can use either Maple and/or Octave for this assignment. You must hand in a Maple and/or Octave worksheet(s) that is (are) well documented with comments and plots of integrand functions.

Refer to the Class Maple and/or Octave Pages, or in particular to the


See also the main class Maple and Octave pages for more help.  

Find integrals by the following three (3) methods

of the following three (3) functions:
  1. f1(x) = 7*x^6 - 4*x^3 on (1,2).
  2. f2(x) = {2*sqrt(1+x^2) if x > 0, else (2+6*x^5)} on (-2.,+2.).
  3. f3(x) = {exp(-x^4)/sqrt(x) if x > 0.25, else 13.767-47.1*x} on (0,5).

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