MCS 471 --- Class Assignments --- Spring 1997
Homework, Computer Problems, and Examination Schedule
Homework and Practice Problems:
HomeworkProblem#0: Gerald&Wheatley Text p. 27: #11, 15, 19; due Fri 31 Jan 1997.
PracticeProblems#1: Nonlinear Equations
(some partial answers)
(click here)
PracticeProblems#2: Computational Linear Algebra
(some partial answers)
(click here)
PracticeProblems#3: Interpolation
(some partial answers)
(click here)
PracticeProblems#4: Numerical Integration
(some partial answers)
(click here)
PracticeProblems#5: Numerical Solution of ODEs
(some partial answers)
(click here)
Computer Problems
Computer Problem#0 Floating Point Arithmetic:
due Friday 07 Feb 1997
(click Here for HTML Copy)
Computer Problem#1 Nonlinear Equations:
NOW due Monday 26 Feb 1997
(click Here for HTML Copy)
Computer Problem#2 Maple and Octave Computational Linear Algebra Problems:
Due Monday 31 March 1997
(click Here for HTML Copy)
Computer Problem#3 Numerical Integration using Maple/Octave:
Due Monday 28 April 1997
(click Here for HTML Copy)
Computer Problem#4 Numerical Solution of ODEs using Maple:
Due Friday 02 May 1997
(click Here for HTML Copy)
Web Source:
Email Comments or Questions to Professor Hanson