Help for Octave Matrix Numeric Tools
and also MatLab Matrix Laboratory & Scilab Links

{Caveat Usor (LetTheUserBeware): Links on this page are always under construction!
Also, if you are seeking Octave Recording Hardware you are at the WRONG LINK, see Octave Systems Inc. }

Octave, the Matrix Computation Laboratory System:

See Also Help for Matlab (commercial matrix library):

  1. Portland: Matlab Hypertext Reference: (Click Here)

  2. CTM: Matlab Basics Tutorial: (Click Here)

  3. CTM: Matlab Primer: (Click Here for postscript copy)

  4. Matlab Graphics - Overview: (Click Here)

  5. SDPpack: SemiDefinite Programming Package of MatLab Files: (Click Here for postscript copy)

  6. WaveLab: Preview page (MatLab Compatible; Octave?): (Click Here for html page)

See Also Help for Scilab (Free Scientific Software Package):

  1. Scilab Home Page: (Click Here)

    Scilab is a scientific software package for numerical computations in a user-friendly environment. It features:

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