Professor Hanson ( hanson A T uic edu , 718 SEO, x3-2142)
Fall 2004
| Demos | Resources | MATLABHelp | MapleHelp |
Topics Hours -------------------------------------------------------------- Introduction 9 Advanced linear algebra software, including MATLAB and NRC 12 Random number generators and Monte Carlo simulation software 6 Statistical software (NRC, other packages as time permits) 6 Partial differential equation solving and finance applics. 6 Data management software 6 -------------------------------------------------------------- Total 45
About 5 Projects will be Announced When Topic has been Discussed in Lectures and When Project is Ready:
Statistics m-file for Uniform Random Number Generator rand and histogram plot.
Statistics m-file for Normal Random Number Generator randn and histogram plot.
URL of Hanson HomePage:
URL of MCS471 HomePage:
URL of MATLAB Help HomePage:
URL of Verschelde's MCS 320 Symbolic Computing with Maple and MATLAB Lectures
URL of Numerics Help HomePage:
URL of C/C++Help:
Email MCS 507 Class Comments or Questions to hanson A T uic edu