MCS 572 Introduction to Supercomputing
----- SPRING 2003 -----
Quick Links:
NCSA Platinum
UIC Argo
Cluster Computing Info.
Platinum/Argo Project
TCS Project
TCS Starter Problem
Theoretical Homework
MPI Info.
MPI Examples
NCSA Platinum Cluster Local Guide
Argo Cluster Local Guide
PSC TSC Cluster Local Guide
Cray T90/T3E Guide
Super Tools
Time Table: 60777 LECD 0300-0430 M W 0304 LH
Lecturer: F. B. Hanson, 718 SEO, X3-2142 (X6-3041msg)
Catalog description:
Introduction to supercomputing on vector, parallel and massively
parallel processors;
architectural comparisons, parallel algorithms, vectorization
techniques, parallelization techniques, actual implementation on real
machines (Crays, Convex, and others).
Some numerical experience such as
MCS 471 Numerical Analysis
or MCS 571 Numerical Methods for Partial Differential Equations
or consent of the instructor. Graduate standing.
Semester Credit hours: 4
List of Topics --- Hours
- Introduction to advanced scientific computing. --- 3 hours.
- Comparison of serial, parallel and vector architectures. --- 3 hours.
- Performance measures and models of performance. --- 3 hours.
- Pure parallel algorithms and data dependencies. --- 3 hours.
- Optimal code design. --- 3 hours.
- High Performance Programming Languages (eg, F90, HP/C). --- 2 hours.
- Loop optimization by reformulation. --- 6 hours.
- Code implementation on parallel computing clusters. --- 13 hours.
- Parallel Programming Interfaces (eg, MPI, PVM) --- 6 hours.
- Block decomposition and interation methods. --- 3 hours.
- Total. --- 45 hours.
Grade Basis: Homework, Starter Problems, Computer Project Reports (2-3)
and Project Presentations.
Recommended References (lecture based course with no required text):
F. B. Hanson,
Local Supercomputing Training in the
Computational Sciences Using Remote National Centers,
Future Generation Computer Systems: Special Issue on Education in
the Computational Sciences, accepted, 25 pages in ms., August 2002.
- F. B. Hanson,
MCS 572 Local User's Guide to UIC ACCC Argo Cluster for Spring 2003.
- F. B. Hanson,
MCS 572 Local User's Guide to NCSA Platinum Cluster for Spring 2003.
- F. B. Hanson,
MCS 572 Local User's Guide to PSC TSC Cluster for Spring 2003.
- F. B. Hanson,
A Real Introduction to Supercomputing, in
Proc. Supercomputing '90, pp. 376-385, Nov. 1990
- F. B. Hanson,
MCS572 UIC Cray User's Local Guide to NPACI-SDSC Cray T90 Vector
Multiprocessor and T3E Massively Parallel Processor,
for Fall 2000.
- A. Barry Wilkinson and C. Michael Allen,
Parallel Programming: Techniques and Application Using Networked
Workstations and Parallel Computers, Prentice Hall PTR, Upper Saddle
River, NJ, 1999.
- See
for new and used paperback editions from $47
- See
Wilkinson's Lecture Notes.
- Rajkumar Buyya, Monash University Australia,
Cluster Computing Information
Rajkumar Buyya (editor)and Hai Jin (slide author),
High Performance Cluser Computing: Architures and Systems --
Lecture Notes for selected chapters
MS PowerPoint Viewer needed, but available free on-line).
Rajkumar Buyya,
High Performance Cluser Computing Tutorials, used at
International Conferences
MS PowerPoint Viewer needed, but available free on-line for MS
- Kai Hwang, University of Southern California,
Basic Network-Based Cluster Computing, lecture notes.
- Jack J. Dongarra, Ian S. Duff, Danny C. Sorensen and Henk A. van der
Solving Linear Systems on Vector and Shared Memory Computers,
SIAM, 1990. (A new edition is supposed to come out during November 1998
according to Dongarra and SIAM, entitled Numerical Linear Algebra for
High-Performance Computers, $37 list price ($26.60 member),
order code SE07).
MCS 572 Spring 2003 Large Scale Clusters:
MCS 572 Spring 2003 Moderate Size Clusters:
Selected Class Handouts:
Trends in Cray Supercomputer versus Killer Micros
Performance, from Buyya (Chapt. 1, p. 84), handed out 15 January
Clusters with Myrinet Networks and More, HPCwire News,
emailed to Class 17 January 2003.
Top500 NCSA Platinum Linux Cluster Summary, 22 Jan 2003.
Top500 Cluster Short List with top 10 plus some Academic Clusters,
22 Jan 2003.
Kai Hwang's "Basic Network-Based Cluster Computing," Full Set
of Slides, But Only a Selection of Lecture Notes Used, 22 Jan 2003.
Raj Buyya's "Cluster Computing Architectrue," Single Slide
used, 22 Jan 2003.
Alphaserver SC Programmer's Quick Reference Guide,
copy handed out 12 Feb 2003? (Note: Compact list of F90 and C
command and parallel optimization options for the PSC TCS Cluster;
print in Landscape mode.)
MPI Reference Card (13 Compact Pages for MPICH (C)).
.TCS Compaq AlphaServer SC System Overiew, HP Workshop notes
(you may need an AFS password for these nice PowerPoint Slides and will
need a
MS PowerPoint Viewer for MS Windows) presented 17 Feb 2003.
On-Line Web Supercomputing and Related Texts:
Optional Supplemental Supercomputing and Related Texts:
Additional Supercomputing Literature:
Supercomputing Sites Lists:
Supercomputing Class Handouts:
Parallel and Supercomputing Tools:
Numeric and Symbolic Tools:
Class HardWare and SoftWare Information:
NPACI-SDSC and Cray Information:
NCSA Information:
General MPI Information:
General PVM Information:
HP9000/800 V2250 (new borg) Information:
HP Convex SP1200 (old borg)Information:
- MCS572 UIC HP-Convex SPP1200/XA-16 Scalable Parallel Processor
User's Local Guide
- UIC HP-Convex Exemplar SPP1200/XA-16
- HP-Convex Exemplar SPP1600 (replaces SPP1200) Technical Summary
- HP COnvex SPP1200 to SPP1600 Comparison
(since SPP1200 Technical Summary is no longer availble).
- HP-Convex Exemplar C and Fortran 77 Programmer's Guide
- NCSA HP-Convex Exemplar Homepage.
PSC and Cray Information:
MCS572 Class Assignments:
(Caution: Wait until these assignments are announced in class, otherwise
you will find last year's assignments.)
Spring 2003 Theoretical Performance Model Homework Assignment
Spring 2003 PSC TCS Cluster Starter Problem
Spring 2003 PSC TCS Project.
Spring 2003 Platinum/Argo MPI Project (NEW).
Web Source:
Email Comments or Corrections or Questions to
hanson A T uic edu