* PVM BOOK Fortran DotProduct Example program: PSDOT.F * Book TOC => http://www.netlib.org/pvm3/book/node1.html PROGRAM PSDOT * * PSDOT performs a parallel inner (or dot) product, where the vectors * X and Y start out on a master node, which then sets up the virtual * machine, farms out the data and work, and sums up the local pieces * to get a global inner product. * * .. External Subroutines .. EXTERNAL PVMFMYTID, PVMFPARENT, PVMFSPAWN, PVMFEXIT, PVMFINITSEND EXTERNAL PVMFPACK, PVMFSEND, PVMFRECV, PVMFUNPACK, SGENMAT * * .. External Functions .. INTEGER ISAMAX REAL SDOT EXTERNAL ISAMAX, SDOT * * .. Intrinsic Functions .. INTRINSIC MOD * * .. Parameters .. INTEGER MAXN PARAMETER ( MAXN = 8000 ) INCLUDE 'fpvm3.h' * * .. Scalars .. INTEGER N, LN, MYTID, NPROCS, IBUF, IERR INTEGER I, J, K REAL LDOT, GDOT * * .. Arrays .. INTEGER TIDS(0:63) REAL X(MAXN), Y(MAXN) * * Enroll in PVM and get my and the master process' task ID number * CALL PVMFMYTID( MYTID ) CALL PVMFPARENT( TIDS(0) ) * * If I need to spawn other processes (I am master process) * IF ( TIDS(0) .EQ. PVMNOPARENT ) THEN * * Get starting information * WRITE(*,*) 'How many processes should participate (1-64)?' READ(*,*) NPROCS WRITE(*,2000) MAXN READ(*,*) N TIDS(0) = MYTID IF ( N .GT. MAXN ) THEN WRITE(*,*) 'N too large. Increase parameter MAXN to run'// $ 'this case.' STOP END IF * * LN is the number of elements of the dot product to do * locally. Everyone has the same number, with the master * getting any left over elements. J stores the number of * elements rest of procs do. * J = N / NPROCS LN = J + MOD(N, NPROCS) I = LN + 1 * * Randomly generate X and Y * CALL SGENMAT( N, 1, X, N, MYTID, NPROCS, MAXN, J ) CALL SGENMAT( N, 1, Y, N, I, N, LN, NPROCS ) * * Loop over all worker processes * DO 10 K = 1, NPROCS-1 * * Spawn process and check for error * CALL PVMFSPAWN( 'psdot', 0, 'anywhere', 1, TIDS(K), IERR ) IF (IERR .NE. 1) THEN WRITE(*,*) 'ERROR, could not spawn process #',K, $ '. Dying . . .' CALL PVMFEXIT( IERR ) STOP END IF * * Send out startup info * CALL PVMFINITSEND( PVMDEFAULT, IBUF ) CALL PVMFPACK( INTEGER4, J, 1, 1, IERR ) CALL PVMFPACK( REAL4, X(I), J, 1, IERR ) CALL PVMFPACK( REAL4, Y(I), J, 1, IERR ) CALL PVMFSEND( TIDS(K), 0, IERR ) I = I + J 10 CONTINUE * * Figure master's part of dot product * GDOT = SDOT( LN, X, 1, Y, 1 ) * * Receive the local dot products, and * add to get the global dot product * DO 20 K = 1, NPROCS-1 CALL PVMFRECV( -1, 1, IBUF ) CALL PVMFUNPACK( REAL4, LDOT, 1, 1, IERR ) GDOT = GDOT + LDOT 20 CONTINUE * * Print out result * WRITE(*,*) ' ' WRITE(*,*) ' = ',GDOT * * Do sequential dot product and subtract from * distributed dot product to get desired error estimate * LDOT = SDOT( N, X, 1, Y, 1 ) WRITE(*,*) ' : sequential dot product. ^ : '// $ 'distributed dot product.' WRITE(*,*) '| - ^ | = ',ABS(GDOT - LDOT) WRITE(*,*) 'Run completed.' * * If I am a worker process (i.e. spawned by master process) * ELSE * * Receive startup info * CALL PVMFRECV( TIDS(0), 0, IBUF ) CALL PVMFUNPACK( INTEGER4, LN, 1, 1, IERR ) CALL PVMFUNPACK( REAL4, X, LN, 1, IERR ) CALL PVMFUNPACK( REAL4, Y, LN, 1, IERR ) * * Figure local dot product and send it in to master * LDOT = SDOT( LN, X, 1, Y, 1 ) CALL PVMFINITSEND( PVMDEFAULT, IBUF ) CALL PVMFPACK( REAL4, LDOT, 1, 1, IERR ) CALL PVMFSEND( TIDS(0), 1, IERR ) END IF * CALL PVMFEXIT( 0 ) * 1000 FORMAT(I10,' Successfully spawned process #',I2,', TID =',I10) 2000 FORMAT('Enter the length of vectors to multiply (1 -',I7,'):') STOP * * End program PSDOT * END