51. C. J. Pratico, F. B. Hanson, H. H. Xu, D. J. Jarvis and M. S. Vetter,
Visualization for the Management of Renewable Resources
in an Uncertain Environment , Proc. Supercomputing '92 ,
pp. 258-266, color plates p. 843, November 1992.
This paper was presented at the Supercomputing '92 meeting in Minneapolis,
MN, November 1992 with actual workstation demonstration was at SIGGRAPH '92
Showcase. Our multidimensional inner-outer world visualization of a three
state resource management application in uncertain environments is described,
along with state and vector control law views, as well as parameter sensitivity
simulated animation.
52. F. B. Hanson, C. J. Pratico, M. S. Vetter, and H. H. Xu,
Multidimensional Visualization Applied to Renewable Resource
Management, Proc. Sixth SIAM Conference on Parallel Processing
for Scientific Computing, vol. 2, pp. 1033-1036, March 1993.
This paper was presented at the Sixth SIAM Conference on Parallel Processing
for Scientific Computing, Norfork, VA, March 1993, with a more advanced version
presented at the 3rd SIAM Conference on Linear Algebra, Signals, Systems, and
Control, Seattle, WA, August 1993. This paper describes the port of our
graphical visualization system to the NeXT computer and compares the results to
the original Silicon Graphics implementation.