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Computation: Numerical Methods, Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, NJ
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James M. Ortega, Introduction to Parallel and Vector Solution
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James M. Ortega and Robert Voight, Solution of Partial Differential
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D. A. Padua and M. J. Wolfe, "Advanced compiler
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D. A. Patterson and J. L. Hennessy, Computer Architecture:
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P. Raghavan, "Distributed sparse Gaussian elimination and othogonal
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H. J. RevecheÉ (Chair),
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G. Rodrigue (Editor), Parallel Computations, Academic Press, 1982
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Michael J. Quinn, Designing Efficient Algorithms for Parallel
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Udo Schendel, Introduction to Numerical Methods for Parallel Computers,
Wiley, 1984 (QA297 S3813 1984 Math).
Paul B. Schneck, Supercomputer Architecture, Kluwer Academic, 1987
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Justin R. Smith, The Design and Analysis of Parallel Algorithms,
Oxford University Press, 1993 (ADF6608, temporary order number, Main;
theoretical book).
Marc Snir, Steve W. Otto, Steven Huss-Lederman, David W. Walker,
and Jack Dongarra,
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(Click for MIT Press Information on Book)
Harold S. Stone, High-Performance Computer Architecture,
Addison-Wesley, Reading, MA, 1990 (QA76.9 A73 S76 1990 (& 1987) Main)
Supercomputing: Proceedings of 1st International Conference, Athens, Greece,
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H-C. Wang and K. Hwang, ``Multicoloring of grid-structured PDE solvers on
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no. 11, pp. 1195-1205, November 1995. (New systematic coloring technique to
avoid sparse matrix, memory conflicts for conjugate gradient method.)
Michael J. Wolfe, Optimizing Supercompilers for Supercomputers, MIT
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Arthur Wouk (Editor),
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ZhiWei Xu and Kai Hwang, "Modeling Communication Overhead:
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Hans Zima with Barbara Chapman, Supercompilers for Parallel and
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004.35Z65S at UIUC)
G. Zorpette, "The Power of Parallelism," IEEE
Spectrum, vol. 29, no. 9, pp. 28-33, Sep. 1993.
Web Source: http://www.math.uic.edu/~hanson/superrefs.html