Teaching and Presentation of Mathematics
Math 589 -- Fall 2008 -- #26930
Beamer Resources and Examples


First, here is the talk for class, done with several different themes for comparison.

The tex files to make each of these beamer pdf files are in this directory. Be sure to grab the image in the file pix, and create a directory called pix in your beamer directory, so the Beamer LaTeX will compile for you. Alternately, delete the picture from the LaTeX file.

Here is a presentation using beamer for a recent 1-hour talk I gave. It includes illustrations, and uses a sty file.
View the files here
, or download the complete directory in zip format.


Here are some basic guides, to give an idea of the possibilities, and how to implement them.


There are lots of articles on the web about beamer.

Updated November 4, 2008 - Return to MSCS Courses