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Formats of polynomial systems

A complex polynomial system 
is denoted by the dimension  followed by as many complex multivariate polynomials as the dimension. The dimension is a positive natural number.
A complex multivariate polynomial 
is denoted as a sequence of terms, separated by + and terminated by the semicolon ;. The brackets ( and ) must be used to isolate a sequence of terms as a factor in a complex multivariate polynomial.

A term 
can be either a coefficient or a coefficient, followed by * and a monomial. If in the latter case the coefficient equals one, then it may be omitted.

A coefficient 
may be denoted as an integer, a rational, a floating-point or a complex number.

A monomial 
is a sequence of powers of unknowns, separated by *. The power  operator is represented by ** or $\hat{~}$.It must be followed by a positive natural number. If the power equals one, then it may be omitted.

An unknown 
can be denoted by at most five characters. The first character must be a letter and the other two characters must be different from +, -, *, $\hat{~}$, /, ;, ( and ). The letter i means $\sqrt{-1}$, whence it does not represent an unknown. The number of unknowns may not exceed the declared dimension.

Some examples of valid notations of complex multivariate polynomials:

  x**2*y + 1/2*z*y**2 - 2*z + y**3 + x - 1E9/-8.E-6* y + 3;
  x^2*y + z*y^2 - 2*z + y^3 + x - y + 3;
  (1.01 + 2.8*i)*x1**2*x2 + x3**2*x1 - 3*x1 + 2*x2*x3 - 3;
  (x1^2*x2 + x3^2*x1 - 3*x1 + 2*x2*x3 - 3)*x2**2*(x2-1+i);

Some notes concerning the internal representation:

An input file to phc must begin with a polynomial system in the appropriate format. As example, consider the intersection of a circle with a parabola:

 x**2 + 4*y**2 - 4;
        2*y**2 - x;

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Jan Verschelde