Graphical User Interfaces ========================= Interfaces define the dialogue with the user, which concerns mainly input and output. Compared to prompting and printing of command line interfaces, graphical user interfaces offer 1. a friendly face of the program, 2. control to the user of the actions via buttons to press, GUIs are *event driven*, 3. one picture says more than one thousand words. In a good design, the interface is *separate* from the software that does the calculations or the transactions. Tkinter ------- The ``Tkinter`` (= ``Tk`` interface) library provides an object-oriented interface to the ``Tk`` GUI toolkit, the graphical interface development tool for ``Tcl``. ``Tk`` is short for Tool Kit and ``Tcl`` stands for Tool Command Language. One benefit of prototyping with Tkinter is that the GUI development is platform independent. Tkinter is a toolkit available to Python as a module: :: >>> import tkinter Sometimes it needs to be installed separately. There are alternative toolkits to build GUIs in Python. The principles of GUI programming transfer to other toolkits. We will develop our GUIs in an object oriented manner. The constructor of our class defines 1. the data attributes of the GUI; 2. the graphical appearance: 1. which widgets we will use; and 2. the position of the widgets in the window. The actions triggered by buttons are coded in separate methods of the class. Mixing Colors ------------- As a first example, consider the mixing of the basis colors, red, green, and blue. The intensity of each basis color in the mix is set by three scales, one scale for each basis color. The layout of the GUI is shown in :numref:`figrgbgui`. .. _figrgbgui: .. figure:: ./figrgbgui.png :align: center Mixing red, green, and blue with scales. The class definition below defines the layout. :: from tkinter import Tk, Label, Canvas, Scale, DoubleVar class ColorGUI(object): """ Manipulate rgb color parameters with scale widgets. """ def __init__(self, wdw, dim): """ Defines a canvas and three scales. """ wdw.title('color slider') self.dim = dim self.lab = Label(wdw, text='use scales to change colors') self.lab.grid(row=0, column=1) self.cnv = Canvas(wdw, width=self.dim, height=self.dim) self.cnv.grid(row=1, column=1) self.redscale(wdw) self.bluescale(wdw) self.greenscale(wdw) The widget Scale is good for 1. setting default values for numerical input; and 2. restricting the range of the values. In our application of mixing colors, the variable set by the scale is a double, ranging from 0 to 1 with resolution ``1.0/256``. After every change in the variable, the method ``show_colors`` is executed. When the GUI starts up, the scale has value ``0.5``. To make the definition of ``__init__`` shorter, we define the scales in separate methods. :: def redscale(self, wdw): """ Defines the scale to set the red intensity, stored in the DoubleVar red, a data attribute. """ self.labred = Label(wdw, text='red') self.labred.grid(row=0, column=0) = DoubleVar() # red intensity self.scared = Scale(wdw, orient='vertical', \ length=self.dim, from_=0.0, to=1.0, \ resolution=1.0/256,, \ command=self.show_colors) self.scared.set(0.5) # initial value of red scale self.scared.grid(row=1, column=0) The *callback* function ``show_colors`` is listed below. :: def show_colors(self, val): """ Displays a rectangle on canvas, filled with rgb colors. """ xmd = self.dim/2+1 ymd = self.dim/2+1 mid = self.dim/2-3 red = self.scared.get() green = self.scagrn.get() blue = self.scablu.get() print('r = %f, g = %f, r = %f' % (red, green, blue)) hxr = '%.2x' % int(255*red) hxg = '%.2x' % int(255*green) hxb = '%.2x' % int(255*blue) color = '#' + hxr + hxg + hxb self.cnv.delete('box') self.cnv.create_rectangle(xmd-mid, ymd-mid, xmd+mid, ymd+mid, \ width=1, outline='black', fill=color, tags='box') Next we explain how ``show_colors`` works. The key aspects of this method are: * The argument ``val`` of ``show_colors`` is the value of the scale, but we need the values of all three intensities. * With ``self.scared.get()`` we get the red intensity. Green and blue intensities are set by the scales with names ``scagrn`` and ``scablu`` respectively. * The ``print`` writes to the terminal, (mainly for debugging purposes). * ``hxr = '\%.2x' \% int(255*red)`` converts the intensity as a float in :math:`[0,1]` to a two-digit hexadecimal integer. * The large rectangle written to canvas has tag {\tt box} and with this name we can wipe out the previous color. In a GUI, there is not really a main program in the classical sense. But there is still a function, called ``main`` to define the GUI object and to launch then the main event loop. This is defined by the code below: :: def main(): """ Makes the GUI and launches the main event loop. """ top = Tk() ColorGUI(top, 400) top.mainloop() if __name__ == '__main__': main() Simulating a Bouncing Ball -------------------------- Consider a billiard ball rolling over a pool table, bouncing against the edges of the table. We will develop first a very basic GUI and then later add extra features. The basic elements of the GUI are threefold: 1. drawing on canvas, 2. buttons call for action, 3. animation of the rolling ball. The layout of a basic GUI is displayed in :numref:`figpool`. .. _figpool: .. figure:: ./figpool.png :align: center Simulation of a bouncing billiard ball. Let us make the specifications of the GUI precise. A GUI consists of several components (called *widgets*). Our first basic layout uses three widgets: 1. a canvas to draw a ball; 2. a button to start the animation; and 3. a button to stop the animation. The actions triggered by the buttons are the following: 1. start: The initial position of the ball is random and the ball start rolling in a random direction, bouncing off against the edges of the table. 2. stop: The animation stops. After a stop, the balls rolls from the previous position, but in a different random direction. The object oriented design of the GUI follows the following pattern: :: class BilliardBall(object): """ GUI to simulate billiard ball movement. """ def __init__(self, wdw, dimension, increment, delay): """ Determines the layout of the GUI. """ def animate(self): """ Performs the animation. """ def start(self): """ Starts the animation. """ def stop(self): """ Stops the animation. """ The code for the main function is below. :: def main(): """ Defines the dimensions of the canvas and launches the main event loop. """ top = Tk() dimension = 400 # dimension of pool table increment = 10 # increment for coordinates delay = 60 # how much sleep before update BilliardBall(top, dimension, increment, delay) top.mainloop() if __name__ == "__main__": main() The code for the class is considered as a module. The last line allows to run the module directly as a script. The constructor ``__init__`` defines the data attributes. The object data attributes are 1. Three constants: ``dimension``, ``increment``, and ``delay`` are the parameters of the GUI: * ``dimension``: size of the square canvas; * ``increment``: step size of one billiard ball move; and * ``delay``: time between canvas updates. 2. Three variables: * ``togo``: state of the animation, is on or off; * ``xpt``: the x coordinate of the ball; * ``ypt``: they coordinate of the ball. 3. Three widgets: * canvas spans two columns, in row 0; * start button on row 1, column 0; and * stop button on row 1, column 1. THe code for ``__init__`` formalizes the design of the GUI. :: def __init__(self, wdw, dimension, increment, delay): """ Determines the layout of the GUI. wdw : top level widget, the main window, dimension : determines the size of the canvas, increment : step size for a billiard move, delay : time between updates of canvas. """ wdw.title('a pool table') self.dim = dimension # dimension of the canvas = increment self.dly = delay self.togo = False # state of animation # initial coordinates of the ball self.xpt = random.randint(10, self.dim-10) self.ypt = random.randint(10, self.dim-10) # canvas and button widgets self.cnv = Canvas(wdw, width=self.dim,\ height=self.dim, bg='green') self.cnv.grid(row=0, column=0, columnspan=2) self.bt0 = Button(wdw, text='start',\ command=self.start) self.bt0.grid(row=1, column=0, sticky=W+E) self.bt1 = Button(wdw, text='stop',\ command=self.stop) self.bt1.grid(row=1, column=1, sticky=W+E) The buttons trigger actions ``start()`` and ``stop()`` which are methods of the ``BilliardBall`` class. The methods ``stop`` and ``start`` has short definitions: :: def start(self): """ Starts the animation. """ self.togo = True self.animate() def stop(self): """ Stops the animation. """ self.togo = False The ``start`` calls the ``animate`` method which * draws the ball on canvas; * generates a random direction; * moves the ball in the direction using increment, as long as ``togo == True``; and * updates the canvas after a delay. Code for the method ``animate()`` is below :: def animate(self): """ Performs the animation. """ self.drawball() angle = random.uniform(0, 2*pi) vcx = cos(angle) vsy = sin(angle) while self.togo: (xpt, ypt) = (self.xpt, self.ypt) self.xpt = xpt + vcx* self.ypt = ypt + vsy* self.cnv.after(self.dly) self.drawball() self.cnv.update() In this top down development of the ``animate`` the representation of the ball on canvas is delegated to the method ``drawball()`` and the computation of the coordinates of the ball is performed by the method ``map2table()``. The ball is represented as a red circle, with a radius of 6 pixels: :: def drawball(self): """ Draws the ball on the pool table. """ xpt = self.map2table(self.xpt) ypt = self.map2table(self.ypt) self.cnv.delete('dot') self.cnv.create_oval(xpt-6, ypt-6, xpt+6, ypt+6,\ width=1, outline='black', fill='red', tags='dot') As the ball moves, the values of the coordinates may exceed the canvas dimensions. With ``map2table()`` we get the bouncing effect. Note that on canvas: (0,0) is at the topleft corner. Recall that ``self.dim`` stores the number of pixel rows and columns on canvas. :: def map2table(self, pnt): """ Keeps the ball on the pool table. """ if pnt < 0: (quo, rest) = divmod(-pnt, self.dim) else: (quo, rest) = divmod(pnt, self.dim) if quo % 2 == 1: rest = self.dim - rest return rest Imagine a succession of pool tables next to each other. When the quotient ``quo`` is odd, we reflect, otherwise we copy remainder ``rest``. Exercises --------- 1. Adjust the GUI to simulate the movement of a billiard ball to work for rectangular pool tables. 2. Modify the GUI to simulate the movement of a billiard ball to use Entry widgets to allow the user to enter the initial position of the ball. 3. Add an extra row to the GUI, displaying in two Entry widgets the coordinates of the direction vector. 4. Add an Entry widget that will display the distance the ball has traveled. The value displayed in this Entry widget should change as the ball rolls. 5. Add a Checkbutton widget to the GUI at the top write corner with the label ``draw path``. When checked the path of the billiard ball is drawn on screen, as in :numref:`figbilliards`. .. _figbilliards: .. figure:: ./figbilliards.png :align: center The path of the billiard ball is drawn on screen.