Lecture 7: Number Types and Functions to Store Data =================================================== Every object in Sage has a type. The type of an object determines the operations that can be performed on the object. The main data types in Python are lists, dictionaries, and tuples. The most basic number types in Sage have short abbreviations, they are ``ZZ``, ``QQ``, ``RR``, and ``CC``, for the integers, rationals, reals, and complex numbers. We see how to explicitly fix the type of a number with so-called type coercing. The ability to choose random numbers is often very useful. We see how to select left and right hand sides of equations. The lecture ends with a specific application of default parameters of functions that enables us to store data in functions. Coercing to the Basic Number Types ---------------------------------- The main number types are integers, rationals, reals, and complex numbers, respectively denoted by ``ZZ``, ``QQ``, ``RR``, and ``CC``. To convert from one type to the other is to coerce. :: print(ZZ) We can convert a string in hexadecimal format or octal format into decimal notation. :: a = ZZ('0x10'); print(a) b = ZZ('010'); print(b) Given the list of coefficients, we can evaluate a number in any base. The following instruction :: ZZ(142).digits(10) returns the list ``[2, 4, 1]`` as these are the :index:`digits` of 142 in the decimal number system , written backwards, starting at the least significant digit. Writing 142 in full is :math:`1 \times 10^2 + 4 \times 10^1 + 2 \times 10^0`. Passing 3 as the argument of ``digits()``, we decompose 142 in a number system of base 3, as shown below: :: c = ZZ(142).digits(3) print(c) print(ZZ(c, base=3)) The last instruction above takes the coefficients in the list ``[1, 2, 0, 2, 1]`` and evaluates the coefficients as :math:`1 \times 3^0 + 2 \times 3^1 + 0 \times 3^2 + 2 \times 3^3 + 1 \times 3^4 = 142`. A quick way to make a rational representation of a floating-point number is via type coercing to ``QQ``, the ring of rational numbers. :: print(QQ) x = numerical_approx(pi, digits=20) y = QQ(x); print(y) Note the we cannot coerce ``pi`` directly to a rational number. :: z = RR(y); print(z) print(QQ(z)) Observe the difference between the value ``21053343141/6701487259`` of ``y`` and the value ``245850922/78256779`` of ``QQ(RR(y))``. This is because the precision of ``RR`` is the same 53 bit as the hardware double floats. :: print(RR) print(RDF) print(RR == RDF) Although ``RR`` has a precision of 53 bits, it is not the same as the ``RealDoubleField`` which is abbreviated as ``RDF``. Generating random numbers makes the distinction between the fields ``RR`` and ``RDF`` a bit more explicit. The :index:`machine precision` is the smallest positive number we can add to 1.0 and still make a difference. We can compute the machine precision as follows: :: eps = 2.0^(-RR.precision()+1) print(eps) Note that the ``2.0`` in the formula for ``eps`` is necessary, writing ``2`` instead of ``2.0`` would have resulted in an exact rational number, not an element of ``RR``. We see the value for ``eps`` again in the following calculation: :: a = 1.0 + eps a - 1.0 For any real floating-point number ``x`` smaller than ``eps``, the result of ``1.0 + x`` would have remained ``1.0``. For any ``x`` belonging to some real number field, we can compute a nearby rational approximation with a given bound on the denominator. For example ``x.nearby_rational(max_denominator=1000)`` returns a rational approximation for ``x`` where the denominator is smaller than the given bound of ``1000``. To compute a sequence of consecutively larger rational approximations, each time allowing a denominator that is ten times larger than the previous one in the sequence, we can run the following command. :: [x.nearby_rational(max_denominator=10^k) for k in range(1, 11)] The ``nearby_rational`` method gives the third type of rational approximations for real numbers. The first two we covered were 1. Rational approximations with prescribed accuracy. 2. Convergents of the continued fraction representation of the real number. The application of the method ``hex()`` on a real number shows the hexadecimal expansion of the number. :: onetenth = 0.1 onetenth.hex() The output is ``0x1.999999999999ap-4`` which does not suggest a finite expansion. Casting ``onetenth`` in a ``RealField`` of a higher precision (e.g.: one hundred bits) will confirm that in binary, the representation of ``0.1`` cannot be exact. Of course, in the decimal notation ``0.1`` agrees exactly with \ :math:`1/10`. Random Numbers -------------- In simulations, we work with :index:`random numbers`. With the method ``random_element()``, we can generate a random integer number, for example of 3 decimal places, between 100 and 999: :: ZZ.random_element(100, 999) Random real numbers are generated as follows: :: x = RR.random_element(); print(x, type(x)) y = RDF.random_element(); print(y, type(y)) The type of ``x`` is ``sage.rings.real_mpfr.RealNumber`` while the type of ``y`` is ``sage.rings.real_double.RealDoubleElement``. The same distinction can be made between the Complex Field ``CC`` and the Complex Double Field ``CDF``. :: x = CC.random_element(); print(x, type(x)) y = CDF.random_element(); print(y, type(y)) To visualize the distribution of numbers, we can plot a bar chart: :: L = [RR.random_element() for _ in range(100)] bar_chart(L) Then the output of ``bar_chart(L)`` is shown in :numref:`figbarchart1`. .. _figbarchart1: .. figure:: ./figbarchart1.png :width: 75% :align: center The bar chart of 100 random numbers. If we sort the numbers, then we can see that the distribution tends to be uniform. :: L.sort() bar_chart(L) The sorted numbers are visualized in :numref:`figbarchart2`. .. _figbarchart2: .. figure:: ./figbarchart2.png :width: 75% :align: center The bar chart of 100 sorted random numbers. Components of Expressions ------------------------- We often work with equations. :: eqn = x**2 + 3*x + 2 == 0 print(type(eqn)) The ``eqn`` is of type ``sage.symbolic.expression.Expression``, a type we encountered already many times. Our expression eqn has an operator. :: print(eqn.operator()) The operator is ```` and we can select its left and right hand side :: print(eqn.lhs()) print(eqn.rhs()) Alternatives to ``lhs()`` are ``left()`` and ``left_hand_side()`` and instead of ``rhs()`` we may also use ``right()`` and ``right_hand_side()``. Storing Data with Functions --------------------------- The example in this section is taken from the book *Sage for Power Users* by William Stein. With default arguments in functions, we can store references to objects implicitly. Consider the following function. :: def our_append(item, L=[]): L.append(item) print(L) Let us now execute the function a couple times. :: our_append(1/3) our_append('1/3') our_append(1.0/3) We see the following lists printed to screen. :: [1/3] [1/3, '1/3'] [1/3, '1/3', 0.333333333333333] To explain what happened, let us print the address of ``L`` each time. Because we will need to use the address later, we return ``id(L)``. :: def our_append2(item, L=[]): L.append(item) print(L, id(L)) return(id(L)) We run this function ``our_append2`` also three times. :: idL = our_append2(1/3) idL = our_append2('1/3') idL = our_append2(1.0/3) and we see the following output :: [1/3] 4650781440 [1/3, '1/3'] 4650781440 [1/3, '1/3', 0.333333333333333] 4650781440 The first time we called ``our_append2`` without giving an argument for the list ``L``, the arguments were evaluated. The effect of ``L = []`` is that an empty list is created and placed somewhere in memory. Each time the function is called with the default argument of ``L``, the same memory location is used. Note that the name ``L`` does not exist outside the function. Just to check, ``print(L)`` will result in a ``NameError``. With ctypes we can retrieve the object an address refers to. :: idL = our_append2(0) import ctypes print(ctypes.cast(idL, ctypes.py_object).value) Executing the cell shows :: [1/3, '1/3', 0.333333333333333, 0] 4650781440 [1/3, '1/3', 0.333333333333333, 0] Assignments ----------- 1. Try ``QQ.random_element()``. What do you observe? How would you make a random rational number with type coercions? 2. Type ``QQ(pi)``. Describe what happens. Is this what you would expect? Write a mathematical explanation. 3. Illustrate how you would generate a random complex number of type ``CC``. The number should have absolute value equal to one. *Hint:* think about the polar representation of complex numbers. 4. Consider ``x = R100(sqrt(2))`` where ``R100`` is a ``RealField`` with a precision corresponding to about 100 decimal places. 1. Compute a list of 10 rational approximations for ``x``, starting with a 10 as the first bound on the denominator. The bound of the denominator of the rational approximations equals ``10^k`` where ``k`` runs from 1 to 10. 2. For each approximation in your list, compute the accuracy, that is the relative error for each rational approximation. Write the relative errors in scientific notation. 5. Type ``eqn = x^3 + 8.0*x - 3 == 0`` and solve this equation. Verify the solutions in the polynomial defined at the left hand side of the equation ``eqn`` *without retyping the expression* at the left hand side of the equation.