16595/19322 MWF 1:00--1:50 in Science & Engineering Hall 238, from 01/10/2005 to 04/29/2005.

grade C or higher in the following courses: Math 310 or Math 320 or Math 330; and MCS 320 or MCS 471; and MCS 360; or consent of the instructor.

Jan Verschelde, Office: 728 SEO, Phone: 312 996 4609.
E-mail: jan@math.uic.edu.

At 11AM on Monday, at 2PM on Wednesday, and at noon on Friday, I am sure to be in my office; but feel free to stop by if you have any math questions. We can also make an appointment.

Charles R. MacCluer: `Industrial Mathematics. Modeling in Industry, Science, and Government.' Prentice Hall, 2000.
The course outline maps the content of the book in linear order. We may deviate from this order, remove or add other topices.

We will use MATLAB, Maple and/or Mathematica. If necessary, we may plan some lectures in a computer lab.

After each lecture a selection from the exercises in the textbook will be assigned as homework. To solve the homework problems, you may work in studygroups, but simulation, numerical experimentation, and write-up of the solution must be done individually. Solutions to the homework problems will be collected and graded regularly.

The goal of this course is the preparation for real projects in industry. So the realization of the projects constitutes the most important aspect of the course.

Three projects must be completed during the course, in groups of size no more than three. The projects involve three components: mathematical modeling, computational solution, and presentation. The last project must be solved individually.

To develop presentation skills, each group will select one member to deliver their report to the class in a 10 to 15 minutes overhead presentation.

During the semester, there will be one midterm exam given. You may opt to skip this midterm, then greater weight will be placed on the final exam. Excellent projects may replace the exams.

90 - 100% = A, 80 - 89% = B, 70 - 79% = C, 60 - 69% = D, 0 - 59% = E.

Your score depends for 20% on homework, 60% on the projects, and 20% on the exams. Excellent performance on projects may replace homework and exams. The final exam is considered as a backup.

Students are expected to attend all class meetings. Any changes in the syllabus or in the scheduling of exams and other assignments will be announced during class meetings. While the lectures cover the same materials in the textbook, usually other examples will be presented and discussed. We will also address the topics you need to solve the projects.

who require accommodations for access and participation in this course must be registered with the Office of Disability Services (ODS). Please contact ODS at 312/413-2103 (voice) or 312/413-0123 (TTY).

Monday 17 January : Martin Luther King Day, no class.
Friday 21 January : last day to add or drop the class.
Friday 18 February : last day for optional late drop.
21--25 March : Spring break.
Monday 2 May, 1:00-3:00 : Final exam.