Introduction to the Intel Threading Building Blocks =================================================== Instead of working directly with threads, we can define tasks that are then mapped to threads. Work stealing is an alternative to load balancing. the Intel Threading Building Blocks (TBB) ----------------------------------------- In this week we introduce programming tools for shared memory parallelism. Today we introduce a third tool: 1. OpenMP: programming shared memory parallel computers; 2. Pthreads: POSIX standard for Unix system programming; and 3. Intel Threading Building Blocks (TBB) for multicore processors. The Intel TBB is a library that helps you leverage multicore performance *without having to be a threading expert*. The advantage of Intel TBB is that it works at a higher level than raw threads, yet does not require exotic languages or compilers. The library differs from others in the following ways: TBB enables you to specify logical parallelism instead of threads; TBB targets threading for performance; TBB is compatible with other threading packages; TBB emphasizes scalable, data parallel programming; TBB relies on generic programming, (e.g.: use of STL in C++). The code is open source, free to download at <> task based programming and work stealing ---------------------------------------- Tasks are much lighter than threads. On Linux, starting and terminating a task is about 18 times faster than starting and terminating a thread; and a thread has its own process id and own resources, whereas a task is typically a small routine. The TBB task scheduler uses *work stealing* for load balancing. In scheduling threads on processors, we distinguish between work sharing and work stealing. In work sharing, the scheduler attempts to migrate threads to under-utilized processors in order to distribute the work. In work stealing, under-utilized processors attempt to steal threads from other processors. Our first C++ program, similar to our previous *Hello world!* programs, using TBB is below. A ``class`` in C++ is a like a ``struct`` in C for holding data attributes and functions (called methods). :: #include "tbb/tbb.h" #include using namespace tbb; class say_hello { const char* id; public: say_hello(const char* s) : id(s) { } void operator( ) ( ) const { printf("hello from task %s\n",id); } }; int main( ) { task_group tg;"1")); // spawn 1st task and return"2")); // spawn 2nd task and return tg.wait( ); // wait for tasks to complete } The ``run`` method spawns the task immediately, but does not block the calling task, so control returns immediately. To wait for the child tasks to finish, the classing task calls ``wait``. Observe the syntactic simplicity of ``task_group``. When running the code, we see on screen: :: $ ./hello_task_group hello from task 2 hello from task 1 $ using the parallel_for ---------------------- Consider the following problem of raising complex numbers to a large power. * Input :math:`n \in {\mathbb Z}_{>0}, d \in {\mathbb Z}_{>0}`, :math:`{\bf x} \in {\mathbb C}^n`. * Output :math:`{\bf y} \in {\mathbb C}^n, y_k = x_k^d`, for :math:`k=1,2,\ldots,n`. the serial program ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ To avoid overflow, we take complex numbers on the unit circle. In C++, complex numbers are defined as a template class. To instantiate the class ``complex`` with the type ``double`` we first declare the type ``dcmplx``. Random complex numbers are generated as :math:`e^{2 \pi i \theta} = \cos(2 \pi \theta) + i \sin(2 \pi \theta)`, for random :math:`\theta \in [0,1]`. :: #include #include #include using namespace std; typedef complex dcmplx; dcmplx random_dcmplx ( void ); // generates a random complex number on the complex unit circle dcmplx random_dcmplx ( void ) { int r = rand(); double d = ((double) r)/RAND_MAX; double e = 2*M_PI*d; dcmplx c(cos(e),sin(e)); return c; } We next define the function to write arrays. Observe the local declaration ``int i`` in the ``for`` loop, the scientific formatting, and the methods ``real()`` and ``imag()``. :: #include #include void write_numbers ( int n, dcmplx *x ); // writes the array of n doubles in x void write_numbers ( int n, dcmplx *x ) { for(int i=0; i 0 if(argc > 3) v = atoi(argv[3]); int dim; // get the dimension if(argc > 1) dim = atoi(argv[1]); else { cout << "how many numbers ? "; cin >> dim; } // fix the seed for comparisons srand(20120203); //srand(time(0)); dcmplx r[dim]; for(int i=0; i 0) write_numbers(dim,r); int deg; // get the degree if(argc > 1) deg = atoi(argv[2]); else { cout << "give the power : "; cin >> deg; } dcmplx s[dim]; compute_powers(dim,r,s,deg); if(v > 0) write_numbers(dim,s); return 0; } speeding up the computations with parallel_for ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ We first illustrate the speedup that can be obtained with a parallel version of the code. :: $ time /tmp/powers_serial 1000 1000000 0 real 0m17.456s user 0m17.451s sys 0m0.001s $ time /tmp/powers_tbb 1000 1000000 0 real 0m1.579s user 0m18.540s sys 0m0.010s The speedup: :math:`\displaystyle \frac{17.456}{1.579} = 11.055` with 12 cores. The class ``ComputePowers`` is defined below :: class ComputePowers { dcmplx *const c; // numbers on input int d; // degree dcmplx *result; // output public: ComputePowers(dcmplx x[], int deg, dcmplx y[]) : c(x), d(deg), result(y) { } void operator() ( const blocked_range& r ) const { for(size_t i=r.begin(); i!=r.end(); ++i) { dcmplx z(1.0,0.0); for(int j=0; j < d; j++) z = z*c[i]; result[i] = z; } } }; We next explain the use of ``tbb/blocked_range.h``. A ``blocked_range`` represents a half open range :math:`[i,j)` that can be recursively split. :: #include "tbb/blocked_range.h" template class blocked_range void operator() ( const blocked_range& r ) const { for(size_t i=r.begin(); i!=r.end(); ++i) { Calling the ``parallel_for`` happens as follows: :: #include "tbb/tbb.h" #include "tbb/blocked_range.h" #include "tbb/parallel_for.h" #include "tbb/task_scheduler_init.h" using namespace tbb; Two lines change in the main program: :: task_scheduler_init init(task_scheduler_init::automatic); parallel_for(blocked_range(0,dim), ComputePowers(r,deg,s)); using the parallel_reduce ------------------------- We consider the summation of integers as an application of work stealing. :numref:`figworkstealing` and :numref:`figworkstealing2` are taken from the Intel TBB tutorial. .. _figworkstealing: .. figure:: ./figworkstealing.png :align: center An application of work stealing. .. _figworkstealing2: .. figure:: ./figworkstealing2.png :align: center What if no worker is available? The definition of the class to sum a sequence of integers is below. :: class SumIntegers { int *data; public: int sum; SumIntegers ( int *d ) : data(d), sum(0) {} void operator() ( const blocked_range& r ) { int s = sum; // must accumulate ! int *d = data; size_t end = r.end(); for(size_t i=r.begin(); i != end; ++i) s += d[i]; sum = s; } // the splitting constructor SumIntegers ( SumIntegers& x, split ) : data(, sum(0) {} // the join method does the merge void join ( const SumIntegers& x ) { sum += x.sum; } }; int ParallelSum ( int *x, size_t n ) { SumIntegers S(x); parallel_reduce(blocked_range(0,n), S); return S.sum; } The main program is below: :: int main ( int argc, char *argv[] ) { int n; if(argc > 1) n = atoi(argv[1]); else { cout << "give n : "; cin >> n; } int *d; d = (int*)calloc(n,sizeof(int)); for(int i=0; i. 2. Robert D. Blumofe and Charles E. Leiserson: **Scheduling Multithreaded Computations by Work-Stealing**. In the Proceedings of the 35th Annual IEEE Conference on Foundations of Computer Science (FoCS 1994), pages 356-368. 3. Krste Asanovic, Ras Bodik, Bryan Christopher Catanzaro, Joseph James Gebis, Parry Husbands, Kurt Keutzer, David A. Patterson, William Lester Plishker, John Shalf, Samuel Webb Williams and Katherine A. Yelick: **The Landscape of Parallel Computing Research: A View from Berkeley**. Technical Report No. UCB/EECS-2006-183 EECS Department, University of California, Berkeley, December 18, 2006. Exercises --------- 1. Modify the ``hello world!`` program with so that the user is first prompted for a name. Two tasks are spawned and they use the given name in their greeting. 2. Modify ``powers_tbb.cpp`` so that the *i*th entry is raised to the power *d-i*. In this way not all entries require the same work load. Run the modified program and compare the speedup to check the performance of the automatic task scheduler.