Positive Dimensional Solution Sets

A more complete solver returns a numerical irreducible decomposition, with not only the isolated solutions, but the dimension and the degrees of all positive dimensional solution sets, for all dimensions.

witness sets

A witness set of a pure dimensional solution set consists of

  1. the original polynomial system augmented with as many random hyperplanes as the dimension of the solution set; and

  2. as many solutions to the augmented system as the degree of the solution set.

Because of the random coefficients in the hyperplanes, the solutions are generic points.

Via an embedding of the augmented system, the computation of generic points is reduced to the computation of isolated solutions, which can be handled well by the blackbox solver.

from phcpy.sets import double_embed
from phcpy.solver import solve

Let us make a witness set of the twisted cubic.

twisted = ['x^2 - y;', 'x^3 - z;']

The twisted cubic is the space curve with parametric form \((t, t^2, t^3)\).

The dimension is 1 and we are in dimension 3. The embedded system is constructed as:

embtwist = double_embed(3, 1, twisted)
for pol in embtwist:

and the embedded polynomials are

x^2 - y + (5.62891189304868E-01-8.26531009099448E-01*i)*zz1;
x^3 - z + (-9.84048066692442E-01-1.77902789294791E-01*i)*zz1;
 + (8.39559929055672E-01-5.43267084889224E-01*i)*x + (-1.14034198908312E-01-9.93476824832537E-01*i)*y + (-9.45117489397468E-01-3.26730670790218E-01*i)*z + (4.57472148097901E-01-8.89223950259265E-01*i)*zz1+(-9.21723254199187E-01-3.87848221174806E-01*i);

The symbol zz1 is used for the slack variable.

sols = solve(embtwist)
for (idx, sol) in enumerate(sols):
    print('Solution', idx+1, ':')

and the generic points on the twisted cubic are

Solution 1 :
t :  1.00000000000000E+00   0.00000000000000E+00
m : 1
the solution for t :
 x :  6.31159601615322E-01  -1.19854989224432E+00
 y : -1.03815940148766E+00  -1.51295254501003E+00
 zz1 : -4.04959151575673E-33   1.16188546226650E-32
 z : -2.46859338404870E+00   2.89371313214052E-01
== err :  6.130E-16 = rco :  2.728E-02 = res :  3.331E-16 =
Solution 2 :
t :  1.00000000000000E+00   0.00000000000000E+00
m : 1
the solution for t :
 x : -1.34539355262783E+00  -1.68943360753041E-01
 y :  1.78154195231000E+00   4.54590616632837E-01
 zz1 :  0.00000000000000E+00   0.00000000000000E+00
 z : -2.32007498983311E+00  -9.12582969448712E-01
== err :  7.943E-16 = rco :  3.560E-02 = res :  1.166E-15 =
Solution 3 :
t :  1.00000000000000E+00   0.00000000000000E+00
m : 1
the solution for t :
 x :  2.81858885842759E-01   4.65799400839404E-01
 y : -1.37524650293826E-01   2.62579400293639E-01
 zz1 :  5.64466889738308E-34  -9.64221135309633E-34
 z : -1.61071872037280E-01   9.95143750451212E-03
== err :  5.737E-17 = rco :  9.995E-02 = res :  4.163E-17 =

As the degree of the twisted cubic is three, we have three generic points. Observe the tiny values for the slack variable zz1, as the generic points must satisfy the added random hyperplane of the augmented system.

homotopy membership test

A witness set can be used to decide whether any point belongs to the algebraic set represented by the witness set. The homotopy membership test is illustrated via the solution set of the cyclic 4-roots system.

from phcpy.families import cyclic
c4 = cyclic(4)
for pol in c4:

Here are the four polynomials:

x0 + x1 + x2 + x3;
x0*x1 + x1*x2 + x2*x3 + x3*x0;
x0*x1*x2 + x1*x2*x3 + x2*x3*x0 + x3*x0*x1;
x0*x1*x2*x3 - 1;

Although we have four equations and four unknowns (we expect thus only isolated solutions), we know that for this particular system, the solution set is pure dimensional, of dimension 1.

To construct a witness set, we import the following functions:

from phcpy.sets import double_embed
from phcpy.solver import solve
from phcpy.solutions import filter_zero_coordinates as filter

and then execute

c4e1 = double_embed(4, 1, c4)
sols = solve(c4e1)
genpts = filter(sols, 'zz1', 1.0e-8, 'select')
print('generic points on the cyclic 4-roots set :')
for (idx, sol) in enumerate(genpts):
    print('Solution', idx+1, ':')

to see the generic points on the solution curve of the cyclic 4-roots:

generic points on the cyclic 4-roots set :
Solution 1 :
t :  1.00000000000000E+00   0.00000000000000E+00
m : 1
the solution for t :
 x0 :  9.65599349076935E-01  -1.16989010460731E+00
 x1 : -4.19638798339057E-01  -5.08421301397389E-01
 x2 : -9.65599349076935E-01   1.16989010460732E+00
 x3 :  4.19638798339057E-01   5.08421301397389E-01
 zz1 :  1.76873803944398E-16  -1.05541954650188E-16
== err :  1.859E-15 = rco :  4.629E-02 = res :  9.649E-16 =
Solution 2 :
t :  1.00000000000000E+00   0.00000000000000E+00
m : 1
the solution for t :
 x0 : -4.72839263499989E-01  -1.41379607496008E+00
 x1 : -2.12761000919484E-01   6.36158397206689E-01
 x2 :  4.72839263499989E-01   1.41379607496008E+00
 x3 :  2.12761000919484E-01  -6.36158397206689E-01
 zz1 : -8.45579970922059E-17   3.34398025784039E-17
== err :  1.268E-15 = rco :  5.880E-02 = res :  5.892E-16 =
Solution 3 :
t :  1.00000000000000E+00   0.00000000000000E+00
m : 1
the solution for t :
 x0 : -7.78676715642733E-01   2.78291443186817E-01
 x1 :  1.13877660574983E+00   4.06987622353548E-01
 x2 :  7.78676715642734E-01  -2.78291443186816E-01
 x3 : -1.13877660574983E+00  -4.06987622353548E-01
 zz1 : -8.30236390890514E-17  -4.21955685140459E-17
== err :  1.296E-15 = rco :  1.051E-01 = res :  1.496E-15 =
Solution 4 :
t :  1.00000000000000E+00   0.00000000000000E+00
m : 1
the solution for t :
 x0 :  6.59761896934191E-01   5.22197413539580E-01
 x1 :  9.31898808330260E-01  -7.37592076250530E-01
 x2 : -6.59761896934191E-01  -5.22197413539580E-01
 x3 : -9.31898808330260E-01   7.37592076250530E-01
 zz1 : -6.83231299973127E-17   7.95281480444320E-17
== err :  1.022E-15 = rco :  6.324E-02 = res :  9.147E-16 =

For the membership test in double precision, we use the function:

from phcpy.sets import double_membertest

Consider two test points pt0 and pt1.

The first test

pt0 = [1, 0, -1, 0, 1, 0, -1, 0]
ismbr = double_membertest(c4e1, sols, 1, pt0)
print('Is', pt0, 'a member?', ismbr)

gives as output

Is [1, 0, -1, 0, 1, 0, -1, 0] a member? False

and the second test

pt1 = [1, 0, 1, 0, -1, 0, -1, 0]
ismbr = double_membertest(c4e1, sols, 1, pt1)
print('Is', pt1, 'a member?', ismbr)


Is [1, 0, 1, 0, -1, 0, -1, 0] a member? True

monodromy breakup

The factorization into irreducible components is illustrated on a cubic curve.

cubic = '(x+1)*(x^2 + y^2 + 1);'

The input to the factorization function is a witness set.

from phcpy.sets import double_hypersurface_set
from phcpy.factor import double_monodromy_breakup, write_factorization

The construction of the witness set happens via

(wit, pts) = double_hypersurface_set(2, cubic)
for pol in wit:
print('number of witness points :', len(pts))

and the output is

x^3 + x*y^2 + x^2 + y^2 + x + (5.56101869358167E-01-8.31114138308544E-01*i)*zz1 + 1;
 + (9.85343874390340E-01 + 1.70579744405467E-01*i)*x + y + zz1+(-1.26905195457699E+00 + 1.50366546205483E+00*i);
number of witness points : 3

To see the witness points, execute

for (idx, sol) in enumerate(pts):
    print('Solution', idx+1, ':')

which then prints

Solution 1 :
t :  1.00000000000000E+00   0.00000000000000E+00
m : 1
the solution for t :
 x : -4.30394583533542E-02  -1.45862430717631E+00
 y :  1.06264885972081E+00  -5.90772761365393E-02
 zz1 :  0.00000000000000E+00   0.00000000000000E+00
== err :  0.000E+00 = rco :  1.000E+00 = res :  0.000E+00 =
Solution 2 :
t :  1.00000000000000E+00   0.00000000000000E+00
m : 1
the solution for t :
 x :  1.33096744731273E+00  -6.74068593392326E-02
 y : -5.39069114828172E-02  -1.66428261308763E+00
 zz1 :  0.00000000000000E+00   0.00000000000000E+00
== err :  0.000E+00 = rco :  1.000E+00 = res :  0.000E+00 =
Solution 3 :
t :  1.00000000000000E+00   0.00000000000000E+00
m : 1
the solution for t :
 x : -1.00000000000000E+00   1.11022302462516E-16
 y :  2.25439582896733E+00  -1.33308571764937E+00
 zz1 :  0.00000000000000E+00   0.00000000000000E+00
== err :  0.000E+00 = rco :  1.000E+00 = res :  0.000E+00 =

The factorization is then computed via

deco = double_monodromy_breakup(wit, pts, dim=1)

To see the grouping of the generic points according to the irreducible factors, we do:


which prints

factor 1 : ([1, 2], 3.683680191092806e-15)
factor 2 : ([3], 9.742207041085749e-15)

cascade of homotopies

A cascade of homotopies computes generic points on all positive components of the solution set, for all dimensions.

pol1 = '(x^2 + y^2 + z^2 - 1)*(y - x^2)*(x - 0.5);'
pol2 = '(x^2 + y^2 + z^2 - 1)*(z - x^3)*(y - 0.5);'
pol3 = '(x^2 + y^2 + z^2 - 1)*(z - x*y)*(z - 0.5);'
pols = [pol1, pol2, pol3]"

The solution set of pols contains the sphere, the twisted cubic, some lines, and an isolated point.

To run a cascade of homotopies, import the following functions:

from phcpy.cascades import double_top_cascade, double_cascade_filter

We start at the top dimension of the solution set:

(embpols, sols0, sols1) = double_top_cascade(3, 2, pols)
print('at dimension 2, degree :', len(sols0))"

to find two witness points on the sphere:

at dimension 2, degree : 2

and then continue to the one dimensional solution sets:

(wp1, ws0, ws1) = double_cascade_filter(2, embpols, sols1, tol=1.0e-8)
print('at dimension 1, candidate generic points :', len(ws0))

to obtain:

at dimension 1, candidate generic points : 9

and then continue to the isolated solutions:

(wp0, ws0, ws1) = double_cascade_filter(1, wp1, ws1, tol=1.0e-8)
print('candidate isolated points :', len(ws0))

to find

candidate isolated points : 24

The output of the cascade needs further processing. The solve in the next section does all steps.

numerical irreducible decomposition

The computation of a numerical irreducible decomposition starts by solving the top dimensional system in an embedding and then applies a cascade of homotopies to compute candidate generic points on each positive dimensional solution set, ending at the isolated solutions. After each step in the cascade, the candidate generic points are filtered as some may lie on higher dimensional sets, and the generic points are grouped according to their irreducible factors.

from phcpy.decomposition import solve, write_decomposition

The second blackbox solver is illustrated on the following example:

pol0 = '(x1-1)*(x1-2)*(x1-3)*(x1-4);'
pol1 = '(x1-1)*(x2-1)*(x2-2)*(x2-3);'
pol2 = '(x1-1)*(x1-2)*(x3-1)*(x3-2);'
pol3 = '(x1-1)*(x2-1)*(x3-1)*(x4-1);'
pols = [pol0, pol1, pol2, pol3]

For this small example, we ask the solve to be silent:

deco = solve(pols, verbose=False)

and then write the decomposition in deco as


The output is rather extensive …

set of dimension 0 has degree 4
the polynomials :
 + x1^4 - 10*x1^3 + 35*x1^2 - 50*x1 + 24;
x1*x2^3 - 6*x1*x2^2 - x2^3 + 11*x1*x2 + 6*x2^2 - 6*x1 - 11*x2 + 6;
x1^2*x3^2 - 3*x1^2*x3 - 3*x1*x3^2 + 2*x1^2 + 9*x1*x3 + 2*x3^2 - 6*x1 - 6*x3 + 4;
x1*x2*x3*x4 - x1*x2*x3 - x1*x2*x4 - x1*x3*x4 - x2*x3*x4 + x1*x2 + x1*x3 + x1*x4 + x2*x3 + x2*x4 + x3*x4 - x1 - x2 - x3 - x4 + 1;
the generic points :
Solution 1 :
t :  1.00000000000000E+00   0.00000000000000E+00
m : 1
the solution for t :
 x1 :  4.00000000000000E+00   0.00000000000000E+00
 x2 :  3.00000000000000E+00   0.00000000000000E+00
 x3 :  2.00000000000000E+00   0.00000000000000E+00
 x4 :  1.00000000000000E+00   0.00000000000000E+00
== err :  4.956E-26 = rco :  1.359E-01 = res :  0.000E+00 =
Solution 2 :
t :  1.00000000000000E+00   0.00000000000000E+00
m : 1
the solution for t :
 x1 :  4.00000000000000E+00   3.85357077689325E-45
 x2 :  2.00000000000000E+00  -2.94004118110142E-50
 x3 :  2.00000000000000E+00   1.64214663788065E-46
 x4 :  1.00000000000000E+00   1.77899219103737E-47
== err :  7.105E-15 = rco :  1.191E-01 = res :  2.416E-44 =
Solution 3 :
t :  1.00000000000000E+00   0.00000000000000E+00
m : 1
the solution for t :
 x1 :  3.00000000000000E+00   4.27642353614751E-50
 x2 :  3.00000000000000E+00   0.00000000000000E+00
 x3 :  2.00000000000000E+00   3.20731765211063E-50
 x4 :  1.00000000000000E+00   0.00000000000000E+00
== err :  1.204E-34 = rco :  1.043E-01 = res :  1.497E-49 =
Solution 4 :
t :  1.00000000000000E+00   0.00000000000000E+00
m : 1
the solution for t :
 x1 :  2.99999999999999E+00   3.50324616081204E-45
 x2 :  2.00000000000000E+00   2.83543986140725E-45
 x3 :  2.00000000000000E+00  -7.18165462966469E-45
 x4 :  1.00000000000000E+00   6.30584308946168E-45
== err :  9.770E-15 = rco :  9.066E-02 = res :  1.066E-14 =
set of dimension 1 has degree 12
the polynomials :
 + x1^4 - 10*x1^3 + 35*x1^2 - 50*x1 + (9.98263256449285E-01-5.89107021114901E-02*i)*zz1 + 24;
x1*x2^3 - 6*x1*x2^2 - x2^3 + 11*x1*x2 + 6*x2^2 - 6*x1 - 11*x2 + (8.25826300922299E-02-9.96584220829855E-01*i)*zz1 + 6;
x1^2*x3^2 - 3*x1^2*x3 - 3*x1*x3^2 + 2*x1^2 + 9*x1*x3 + 2*x3^2 - 6*x1 - 6*x3 + (1.55033404443160E-01-9.87909228374127E-01*i)*zz1 + 4;
x1*x2*x3*x4 - x1*x2*x3 - x1*x2*x4 - x1*x3*x4 - x2*x3*x4 + x1*x2 + x1*x3 + x1*x4 + x2*x3 + x2*x4 + x3*x4 - x1 - x2 - x3 - x4 + (-8.97158012682676E-01-4.41709746642829E-01*i)*zz1 + 1;
 + (-3.53404925407865E-01-1.02449352102111E-02*i)*x1 + (-3.23378971672498E-01-1.42919700111768E-01*i)*x2 + (2.20216662912369E-01-2.76594687902244E-01*i)*x3 + (8.35397253138817E-02-3.43542012415485E-01*i)*x4 + (-2.67791727313329E-01-2.30841050904175E-01*i)*zz1 - 3.53553390593274E-01;
the generic points :
Solution 1 :
t :  1.00000000000000E+00   0.00000000000000E+00
m : 1
the solution for t :
 x1 :  2.00000000000000E+00   1.66274442058684E-16
 x2 :  2.00000000000000E+00   1.93730374623830E-15
 x3 :  1.42230996999871E+00   4.73749193868512E+00
 x4 :  1.00000000000000E+00   3.09283683575416E-16
 zz1 : -1.98123724512471E-15  -4.50046576766827E-16
== err :  2.605E-14 = rco :  1.263E-02 = res :  6.855E-14 =
Solution 2 :
t :  1.00000000000000E+00   0.00000000000000E+00
m : 1
the solution for t :
 x1 :  4.00000000000001E+00   1.93485385394018E-17
 x2 :  1.00000000000000E+00  -5.10382551856806E-18
 x3 :  2.00000000000000E+00  -3.61201796027518E-18
 x4 : -9.22964074590540E-01   5.02769047428598E+00
 zz1 : -4.05629881527961E-17  -1.18686954150410E-16
== err :  2.775E-14 = rco :  1.246E-02 = res :  7.817E-14 =
Solution 3 :
t :  1.00000000000000E+00   0.00000000000000E+00
m : 1
the solution for t :
 x1 :  2.99999999999999E+00   3.50163623105219E-16
 x2 :  3.00000000000000E+00   8.96756225629632E-19
 x3 :  1.00000000000000E+00   2.40219551951397E-17
 x4 : -5.76987365375915E-01   6.43848410091975E+00
 zz1 :  6.20367476284742E-17   7.05206637649815E-16
== err :  3.038E-14 = rco :  7.888E-03 = res :  3.206E-14 =
Solution 4 :
t :  1.00000000000000E+00   0.00000000000000E+00
m : 1
the solution for t :
 x1 :  3.00000000000000E+00   1.29780826664201E-16
 x2 :  1.00000000000000E+00   9.36913548588266E-18
 x3 :  2.00000000000000E+00   8.93428893566725E-18
 x4 : -1.13099435246225E+00   4.04956808752212E+00
 zz1 :  5.94418462635302E-17   2.63521082767564E-16
== err :  2.920E-15 = rco :  2.162E-02 = res :  2.671E-16 =
Solution 5 :
t :  1.00000000000000E+00   0.00000000000000E+00
m : 1
the solution for t :\n",
 x1 :  2.00000000000000E+00  -3.65568752932322E-16
 x2 :  3.00000000000000E+00   2.82574614718779E-15
 x3 :  1.67577083520075E+00   5.70483758002075E+00
 x4 :  1.00000000000000E+00  -3.72113707233408E-16
 zz1 :  5.75972032456864E-15   1.07230899989073E-15
== err :  2.494E-14 = rco :  8.760E-03 = res :  2.468E-14 =
Solution 6 :
t :  1.00000000000000E+00   0.00000000000000E+00
m : 1
the solution for t :
 x1 :  2.00000000000000E+00   1.76757984029786E-16
 x2 :  3.00000000000000E+00  -1.31917536806969E-17
 x3 :  1.00000000000000E+00  -4.99155351560570E-17
 x4 : -7.85017643247620E-01   5.46036171415591E+00
 zz1 : -5.60935500844177E-17  -3.57441262286022E-16
== err :  2.215E-14 = rco :  1.929E-02 = res :  1.493E-14 =
Solution 7 :
t :  1.00000000000000E+00   0.00000000000000E+00
m : 1
the solution for t :
 x1 :  4.00000000000000E+00  -2.92505382506395E-18
 x2 :  2.00000000000000E+00  -1.74547448231340E-18
 x3 :  1.00000000000000E+00  -6.45889285731916E-19
 x4 : -1.92285640108937E-01   6.43233660615961E+00
 zz1 :  6.74420113461971E-18   1.79788532318047E-17
== err :  1.018E-14 = rco :  1.020E-02 = res :  6.776E-14 =
Solution 8 :
t :  1.00000000000000E+00   0.00000000000000E+00
m : 1
the solution for t :
 x1 :  2.99999999999999E+00   1.21726975202562E-16
 x2 :  1.00000000000000E+00  -5.19731533632551E-18
 x3 :  1.00000000000000E+00   1.92249486589598E-17
 x4 : -2.23644470585381E-01   4.46994433787176E+00
 zz1 : -6.54642209058018E-19   2.43838870558812E-16
== err :  2.701E-14 = rco :  3.711E-02 = res :  1.071E-14 =
Solution 9 :
t :  1.00000000000000E+00   0.00000000000000E+00
m : 1
the solution for t :
 x1 :  3.00000000000001E+00   7.59453204499381E-16
 x2 :  2.00000000000000E+00  -3.13045199988346E-17
 x3 :  1.00000000000000E+00   2.50434205156814E-17
 x4 : -4.00315917980645E-01   5.45421421939577E+00
 zz1 :  1.89836152203951E-16   1.53275178679189E-15
== err :  6.146E-14 = rco :  1.385E-02 = res :  3.244E-14 =
Solution 10 :
t :  1.00000000000000E+00   0.00000000000000E+00
m : 1
the solution for t :
 x1 :  4.00000000000000E+00  -1.25836606607375E-17
 x2 :  3.00000000000000E+00   1.36281411894719E-17
 x3 :  1.00000000000000E+00  -1.25232978409423E-17
 x4 : -3.68957087504202E-01   7.41660648768361E+00
 zz1 :  8.87505203002171E-17   8.08707712184250E-17
== err :  1.058E-14 = rco :  5.769E-03 = res :  6.754E-14 =
Solution 11 :
t :  1.00000000000000E+00   0.00000000000000E+00
m : 1
the solution for t :
 x1 :  4.00000000000000E+00  -4.37056700414583E-17
 x2 :  1.00000000000000E+00   2.28708329195796E-17
 x3 :  1.00000000000000E+00  -1.93529333821221E-17
 x4 : -1.56141927136710E-02   5.44806672463562E+00
 zz1 :  1.60246975171774E-16   2.72146931495479E-16
== err :  8.019E-16 = rco :  5.425E-02 = res :  2.567E-16 =
Solution 12 :
t :  1.00000000000000E+00   0.00000000000000E+00
m : 1
the solution for t :
 x1 :  2.00000000000000E+00   3.54994546241256E-16
 x2 :  2.00000000000000E+00   5.29877124103883E-17
 x3 :  1.00000000000000E+00   8.46409944528661E-17
 x4 : -6.08346195852355E-01   4.47609183263191E+00
 zz1 : -1.12656321968022E-16  -7.17872515969298E-16
== err :  6.181E-15 = rco :  3.233E-02 = res :  1.200E-14 =
set of dimension 2 has degree 1
the polynomials :
x1^4 - 10*x1^3 + 35*x1^2 - 50*x1 + (9.98263256449285E-01-5.89107021114901E-02*i)*zz1 + (-4.67731979750726E-01 + 8.83870349722439E-01*i)*zz2 + 24;
x1*x2^3 - 6*x1*x2^2 - x2^3 + 11*x1*x2 + 6*x2^2 - 6*x1 - 11*x2 + (8.25826300922299E-02-9.96584220829855E-01*i)*zz1 + (-8.21936276409882E-01 + 5.69579456723519E-01*i)*zz2 + 6;
 + x1^2*x3^2 - 3*x1^2*x3 - 3*x1*x3^2 + 2*x1^2 + 9*x1*x3 + 2*x3^2 - 6*x1 - 6*x3 + (1.55033404443160E-01-9.87909228374127E-01*i)*zz1 + (-6.80008285278479E-01-7.33204427122902E-01*i)*zz2 + 4;
x1*x2*x3*x4 - x1*x2*x3 - x1*x2*x4 - x1*x3*x4 - x2*x3*x4 + x1*x2 + x1*x3 + x1*x4 + x2*x3 + x2*x4 + x3*x4 - x1 - x2 - x3 - x4 + (-8.97158012682676E-01-4.41709746642829E-01*i)*zz1 + (-2.11981526746876E-01 + 9.77273673193985E-01*i)*zz2 + 1;
 + (-3.53404925407865E-01-1.02449352102111E-02*i)*x1 + (-3.23378971672498E-01-1.42919700111768E-01*i)*x2 + (2.20216662912369E-01-2.76594687902244E-01*i)*x3 + (8.35397253138817E-02-3.43542012415485E-01*i)*x4 + (-2.67791727313329E-01-2.30841050904175E-01*i)*zz1 + (3.28014183926858E-01-1.31934435015266E-01*i)*zz2 - 3.53553390593274E-01;
 + (-4.95361781887585E-01 + 5.82835865995319E-03*i)*x1 + (1.04868230499720E-01 + 2.82848378492330E-01*i)*x2 + (-1.92957771968200E-01 + 1.72592823677708E-01*i)*x3 + (1.50836540788987E-01-4.65440876777183E-01*i)*x4 + (2.59311098918677E-01-3.82322947183237E-02*i)*zz1 + (-2.61338053548032E-01-1.91269889240060E-01*i)*zz2+(2.54532009330191E-01 + 1.49441343387202E-02*i);
the generic points :
Solution 1 :
t :  1.00000000000000E+00   0.00000000000000E+00
m : 1
the solution for t :
 x1 :  2.00000000000000E+00  -1.02870981636522E-15
 x2 :  1.00000000000000E+00  -6.89875692784332E-17
 x3 :  5.41257790254410E-01   1.83800265575193E+00
 x4 :  7.57217605925192E-01   2.01695478853197E+00
 zz1 : -1.53177350208010E-16   1.50858780682761E-15
 zz2 :  1.11064312344268E-15   9.39077236860072E-16
== err :  4.130E-14 = rco :  4.252E-02 = res :  6.734E-15 =
set of dimension 3 has degree 1
the polynomials :
  x1^4 - 10*x1^3 + 35*x1^2 - 50*x1 + (9.98263256449285E-01-5.89107021114901E-02*i)*zz1 + (-4.67731979750726E-01 + 8.83870349722439E-01*i)*zz2 + (-3.46149707492286E-01-9.38179289903057E-01*i)*zz3 + 24;
   + x1*x2^3 - 6*x1*x2^2 - x2^3 + 11*x1*x2 + 6*x2^2 - 6*x1 - 11*x2 + (8.25826300922299E-02-9.96584220829855E-01*i)*zz1 + (-8.21936276409882E-01 + 5.69579456723519E-01*i)*zz2 + (-9.94974897178992E-01-1.00124692177572E-01*i)*zz3 + 6;
   + x1^2*x3^2 - 3*x1^2*x3 - 3*x1*x3^2 + 2*x1^2 + 9*x1*x3 + 2*x3^2 - 6*x1 - 6*x3 + (1.55033404443160E-01-9.87909228374127E-01*i)*zz1 + (-6.80008285278479E-01-7.33204427122902E-01*i)*zz2 + (9.94504055917016E-01 + 1.04698055209280E-01*i)*zz3 + 4;
  x1*x2*x3*x4 - x1*x2*x3 - x1*x2*x4 - x1*x3*x4 - x2*x3*x4 + x1*x2 + x1*x3 + x1*x4 + x2*x3 + x2*x4 + x3*x4 - x1 - x2 - x3 - x4 + (-8.97158012682676E-01-4.41709746642829E-01*i)*zz1 + (-2.11981526746876E-01 + 9.77273673193985E-01*i)*zz2 + (7.37616926767541E-01 + 6.75219423110746E-01*i)*zz3 + 1;
   + (-3.53404925407865E-01-1.02449352102111E-02*i)*x1 + (-3.23378971672498E-01-1.42919700111768E-01*i)*x2 + (2.20216662912369E-01-2.76594687902244E-01*i)*x3 + (8.35397253138817E-02-3.43542012415485E-01*i)*x4 + (-2.67791727313329E-01-2.30841050904175E-01*i)*zz1 + (3.28014183926858E-01-1.31934435015266E-01*i)*zz2 + (-1.52787277524516E-01 + 3.18835455723868E-01*i)*zz3 - 3.53553390593274E-01;
   + (-4.95361781887585E-01 + 5.82835865995319E-03*i)*x1 + (1.04868230499720E-01 + 2.82848378492330E-01*i)*x2 + (-1.92957771968200E-01 + 1.72592823677708E-01*i)*x3 + (1.50836540788987E-01-4.65440876777183E-01*i)*x4 + (2.59311098918677E-01-3.82322947183237E-02*i)*zz1 + (-2.61338053548032E-01-1.91269889240060E-01*i)*zz2 + (-3.36536283081467E-01-7.29526150129006E-02*i)*zz3+(2.54532009330191E-01 + 1.49441343387202E-02*i);
   + (1.15184561011707E-01 + 1.13377932381136E-01*i)*x1 + (-5.17726679477236E-01-8.32947479684604E-02*i)*x2 + (-3.72758479505006E-01-2.38502017467544E-02*i)*x3 + (-9.43470497132125E-02-1.99900948005935E-01*i)*x4 + (-2.38409509176001E-01-2.75632135792588E-01*i)*zz1 + (-1.20802218865972E-01 + 2.04083624753821E-01*i)*zz2 + (1.70161843122080E-02-4.70880850401632E-01*i)*zz3+(8.75322932557317E-02-3.02958515664302E-01*i);
  the generic points :
  Solution 1 :
  t :  1.00000000000000E+00   0.00000000000000E+00
  m : 1
  the solution for t :
   x1 :  1.00000000000000E+00   8.42939386835822E-17
   x2 : -4.63024527132596E-01  -8.07963582510971E-01
   x3 :  1.38259558372538E+00   3.26937976582811E-01
   x4 :  2.04312757081212E-01   7.58951450601146E-01
   zz1 : -7.86154493035376E-16   7.63862347412176E-16
   zz2 :  2.83697554118352E-16   9.21340974182504E-16
   zz3 :  1.05678537850043E-16   6.86142378280738E-17
  == err :  6.527E-15 = rco :  1.666E-02 = res :  3.737E-15 =

diagonal homotopies

An alternative to solving polynomial systems from the top to the bottom, is to start intersection the equations one after the other. Consider the intersection of a sphere with a cylinder.

sphere = 'X^2 + Y^2 + Z^2 - 1;'
cylinder = 'X^2 + 1.0e-14*Y^2 + (Z - 0.5)^2 - 1;'

Observe the tiny coefficient of Y^2 which is a trick to align the symbols of the two equations. The upper case letters of the variables are needed for the verify not to be confused by zz1.

First, witness sets are constructed for the two hypersurfaces.

from phcpy.sets import double_hypersurface_set

In each instance we check the number of generic points computed, which should be 2 in both.

(spheqs, sphpts) = double_hypersurface_set(3, sphere)

which indeed shows 2 and then also

(cyleqs, cylpts) = double_hypersurface_set(3, cylinder)

shows 2 as the number of generic points.

from phcpy.diagonal import double_diagonal_solve
quaeqs, quapts = double_diagonal_solve(3, 2, spheqs, sphpts, 2, cyleqs, cylpts)

The polynomials in the computed witness set of the intersection are …”

for pol in quaeqs:

shown below:

 + X^2 + Y^2 + Z^2 + (1.66568720348346E-01 + 9.86029848129109E-01*i)*zz1 - 1;
 + X^2 + 1.00000000000000E-14*Y^2 + Z^2 - Z + (7.86376622880735E-01 + 6.17747365018006E-01*i)*zz1 - 7.50000000000000E-01;
 + (1.58876905105528E-01-7.26285688514595E-01*i)*X + (-8.16467339319674E-01 + 1.71502319167546E+00*i)*Y + (-4.76416867298768E-02 + 4.42262587408809E-01*i)*Z + (5.34984994186327E-01 + 8.44861560254374E-01*i)*zz1+(-8.46146634046559E-01 + 5.32950160607611E-01*i);

and the generic points in the computed witness set are printed with

for (idx, sol) in enumerate(quapts):
    print('Solution', idx+1, ':')

and the output is

Solution 1 :
t :  1.00000000000000E+00   0.00000000000000E+00
m : 1
the solution for t :
 X :  9.91243806839434E-01  -1.45160013935997E-02
 Y : -1.36376604565112E-01  -3.29060036857026E-01
 Z :  3.39681929583638E-01  -8.97521810492629E-02
 zz1 :  0.00000000000000E+00   0.00000000000000E+00
== err :  3.374E-16 = rco :  4.134E-02 = res :  1.769E-16 =
Solution 2 :
t :  1.00000000000000E+00   0.00000000000000E+00
m : 1
the solution for t :
 X : -7.67613124615721E-01   1.54768674480021E-01
 Y : -6.69973298698680E-01  -1.30010400626017E-01
 Z : -1.81961516698249E-01  -1.74206993945098E-01
 zz1 :  0.00000000000000E+00   0.00000000000000E+00
== err :  3.448E-16 = rco :  5.434E-02 = res :  3.886E-16 =
Solution 3 :
t :  1.00000000000000E+00   0.00000000000000E+00
m : 1
the solution for t :
 X :  4.60320208343188E+00   4.38623359269609E+00
 Y :  9.59637373859308E-01   2.36891289291490E+00
 Z :  4.94084440491082E+00  -4.54659469491659E+00
 zz1 :  0.00000000000000E+00   0.00000000000000E+00
== err :  3.427E-14 = rco :  6.196E-04 = res :  2.465E-14 =
Solution 4 :
t :  1.00000000000000E+00   0.00000000000000E+00
m : 1
the solution for t :
 X :  6.32992398543307E+00   2.24044198839475E+00
 Y :  2.07264148009942E+00  -1.51003268649074E+00
 Z : -1.76564399075824E+00   6.25951276465330E+00
 zz1 :  0.00000000000000E+00   0.00000000000000E+00
== err :  4.575E-14 = rco :  1.103E-03 = res :  2.687E-14 =

Four generic points are obtained in the computed witness set, as the intersection of a sphere with a cylinder is a quartic.