% file from FORM TEX

% written by John Baldwin; January 2003


\pagestyle{empty} \textheight 7.5in

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\newcommand{\pf}{\medskip\noindent{\sc Proof: }}


\title{ Math 300,  Spring  2003\\

 Writing for Mathematics}

 \author{John Baldwin}




\begin{Lemma}[Law of Cosines]

The Law of Cosines states that if the three sides of triangle have

lengths $a,b,c$ and if $\gamma$ is the angle opposite the side of

length $c$, then

$$c^2 = a^2 +b^2 - 2\cos \gamma.$$

In the special case that $\gamma$ is a right angle we obtain as a

corollary  the Phythagorean Theorem:

$$c^2 = a^2 +b^2.$$

