Welcome to the homepage for Prof. John Baldwin's Fall 98 course: Mtht 450: Concepts in Elementary School Mathematics I Meeting at 5-8, in 600 SEO Instructor: John T. Baldwin Office: 417 SEO Office hours: 10 am M W F (tentative) Phone: (312) 413-2149 (fax 996-1491) Email: jbaldwin@math.uic.edu or dmiltner@uic.edu
Click on the title to move to any of the following topics. The syllabus is presented as a dvi file and as a postscript file. Use whichever your browser supports.
Course Syllabus (postscript file)
There are opportunities for grading jobs and especially to serve as mentors for LAS 100.
Classifying Activities: A continuing notebook which will be reviewed at the end of the semester.
Assignment 1 (due Aug. 31)Assignment 7 (due Oct. 19) and explanation of Tarski's World
Assignment 8 (due Oct. 26) and problems in Tarski's World