Mtht 400 The geometry of inequality

Homework due Oct. 26, 2005



1.  How many `square blocks’ are there in a circle of radius 3 miles?

(A `block’ in Chicago is 1/8 of a mile long.)


2. Estimate the number of liquor stores, community centers, theaters and churches in a circle of radius 3 miles centered at Racine and Harrison.


3. Read the paper by Andrew Brantlinger Geometry of Inequality - Rethinking Schools - Volume 19 No. 3 - Spring 2005 - Rethinking Schools Online


If there is trouble with the link, type in:


Note that there is whole volume of similar articles on line.


4.  What are the mathematical issues addressed in this lesson?  From your experience are there mathematical problems here that 9th and 10th grade students will have trouble with?


5. What are some problems in `scientific sociology’ involved in making the estimates suggested in this article and my problem 2?


6. What are some of the advantages and disadvantages of this lesson?


The midterm exam will be on October 19; there is no homework due on that day.  I have also posted the midterm and final from last year.  You may expect some questions quite similar to those on last years exams and some very different.