Math 165 Ln-Exp Worksheet * (Key)
Math 165 Ln-Exp Worksheet * (Key)
PDF Version for Printing: 165lnexp.key.pdf
9e.4.3.Pr61. The cost C(x) of producing the first x units of a commodity is C(x) = e0.2 x.
Find the marginal cost [dC/dx]. * 0.2 * e0.2 x
Determine the level of production x for which the marginal cost equals average cost A(x) = [C(x)/x] = [dC/dx]. * Solve e0.2 x/x = .02 e0.2 x. x = 5. Average cost is minimized!
Determine the level of production x for which the average cost A(x) is minimized. * [dA/dx] = [(e0.2 x(.2x − 1))/(x2)], critical number at x=5.
Here is the graph of C(x) = e0.2 x (I have changed x to q).


For various values of q, use a straight edge or ruler to represent lines through O = (0,0) and (q,C(q)). The slope of these lines is C(q)/q = A(q). As you move q to the right, the slope of the line from 0 to (q, C(q)) decreases and then increases. Which of these lines has minimal slope? How does your answer correspond the the result in parts (b.) and (c.)?
Here is an animated picture: *


9e.4.2.Pr55.Variation. Worker Efficiency. Worker efficiency is measured by (hourly) output Q and is given by a formula of the form
= 500 − A e−kt,
where t is the "experience" measured by the time in months after initial training.
What is limt → ∞ Q(t)? * Since limt → ∞ e− k t = 0, limt → ∞ Q(t) = 500.

It is observed that a newly trained worker has an hourly output of 300 units, and that after 6 months, a worker has an hourly output of 410 units. Find the function of the form
= 500 − A e−kt,
which fits the data.
Hint: What is the form of the function F(t) = 500 − Q(t)?
* F(t) = 500 − Q(t) = A e−kt is an exponential decay function. Since F(0) = 500 − 300 = 200, and F(6) = 90, F(t) = 200 * (90/200)t/6 . Q(t) = 500 − 200 * (90/200)t/6. Since (90/200)1/6 = eln(90/200)1/6 = e(1/6)ln.45 ≈ e−.13, an alternate form is Q(t) = 500 − 200 e− .13 t .
9e Example 4.3.14 Variation. Total net profit comes from wheat, steel, and oil.
At a certain time,
The profit W from wheat accounts for 20% of net profit and is increasing at a rate of 2%.
The profit S from steel accounts for 30% of net profit and is increasing at a rate of 3%.
The profit O from oil accounts for 50% of net profit and is decreasing at a rate of 5%.
At what percentage rate is total net profit increasing or decreasing?
Hint: When the data is taken, find
[W/(W + S + O)] = * .20 from the data
[([dW/dt])/W] = * .02
* Similarly for S and O. You are asked to find

+ dS

+ dO


W + S + O


· W

W + S + O
+ …
= (.20*.02 + .30*.03 − .50*.05)
= − .012 = −1.2 %
Data and results are given as proportions.
9e.4.3.Pr66. Money is deposited in a bank offering interest at an annual rate of 6% compounded continuously (CC). Find the percentage rate of change with respect to time.
* P(t) = P(0) e.06 t, [([dP/dt])/P] = [(.06 P(0) e.06 t)/(P(0) e.06t)] = .06 = 6%. Notice that P(0) e.06 t cancels. The percentage rate (proportion) does not depend on the initial investment.
9e.4.3.Pr33. If g(u) = ln(u + √{u2 + 1}), find g(u). Simplify your answer.
* g(u) = [1/(u + √{u2 + 1})] ·(1 + [2 u/(2√{u2 + 1} )]) = [1/(u + √{u2 + 1})] ·[(√{u2 + 1} + u)/(√{u2 + 1})] = [1/(√{u2 + 1})]

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