MthT 430 sqrt (2) is Irrational
MthT 430 sqrt (2) is Irrational
Square root of 2 is irrational
Proof 6 (Statement and figure of A. Bogomolny)
If x = 21/2 were rational, there would exist a quantity s commensurable both with 1 and x: 1 = sn and x = sm. (It's the same as assuming that x = m/n and taking s = 1/n.) The same will be true of their difference x − 1, which is smaller than x. And the process could continue indefinitely in contradiction with the existence of a minimal element. The game Euclid might have played always ends!


JL Explanation
Definition.1 commensurable: Mathematics Exactly divisible by the same unit an integral number of times. Used of two quantities.
If x = √2 = m/n, m, n integers, after choosing s = 1/n, we have an isosceles right triangle with sides 1 = n s and hypotenuse x = m s. Now follow the Apostol program to construct an isosceles right triangle with sides (m − n)s = x−1 and hypotenuse t s, where
t s

x − 1
= m s

n s

m − n
= m

= 1

(m2 − n m)
= 2 n − m.
Continuing we get a sequence of isosceles right triangles with sides nj s and hypotenuse mj s; after at most n steps we reach a contradiction.
Another JL Explanation
If x = √2 = m/n, after choosing s = 1/n, rescale so that we have an isosceles right triangle with integer sides n and integer hypotenuse m. Now follow the Apostol program to construct an isosceles right triangle with integer sides m − n and hypotenuse t, where

m − n
= m

= 1

(m2 − nm)
= 2 n − m.
Continuing we get a sequence of isosceles right triangles with integer sides and integer hypotenuse; after at most n steps we reach a contradiction.



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