MthT 430 Apostol's Irrationality
MthT 430 Apostol's Irrationality
The following proof of the irrationality of Ö2 is credited to Thomas Apostol. It relies on geometry and the principal of mathematical induction.
Suppose that there are natural numbers m and n such that m2 = 2 n2 and that n is the smallest natural number for which m2 = 2 n2. Draw a circle centered at A so that AB = BC = n and AC = m.


Let DE be tangent to the circle at D and BC be tangent to the circle at B. Then DE = EB = DC = m - n. Then DDCE is a right triangle with sides m - n < n and hypotenuse n - (m- n) = 2n - m and n is not the smallest natural number satisfying m2 = 2 n2.

Tom M. Apostol, Irrationality of The Square Root of Two - A Geometric Proof, American Mathematical Monthly 107, No. 9 (Nov., 2000), pp. 841-842.

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