The natural numbers (counting numbers, positive integers) N
satisfy the Principle of Mathematical Induction : (PMI):
If A is a subset of N such that
ì ï í
ï î
1 Î A,
Wheneverk Î A,k+1 Î A,
A = N.
PMI is also stated as
Suppose P(n) is a statement for each natural number n. If
ì ï í
ï î
P(n)istrueforalln Î N.
PMI is used :
Proving formulas such as
12 + 22 + ¼+ n2 =
n (n + 1) (2 n + 1)
Recursive definitions:
ì ï í
ï î
1! = 1
n! = n ·(n - 1)!,
n > 1.
There are two statements which are equivalent
to PMI.
Well Ordering Principle (WOP): Every nonempty
subset A of N has a least element - a number a Î A such that a £ x for all x Î A.
Principle of Complete Induction (PCI):
If A is a subset of N such that
ì ï í
ï î
1 Î A,
Whenever1, ¼,k Î A,k+1 Î A,
A = N.
Integers Z and Rational Numbers Q
The natural numbers N seem to satisfy
P1 (addition is associative) Yes
P2 (zero) No
P3 (additive inverse) No
P4 (commutative addition) Yes
P5 (multiplication is associative) Yes
P6 (one) Yes
P7 (multiplicative inverse) No
P8 (commutative multiplication) Yes
P9 (distributive) Yes
The positive set P = N satisfies
P10 (trichotomy) Yes
P11 (P + P Ì P) Yes
P12 (P ·P Ì P) Yes
By adjoining 0 and the negative integers, with some effort we can recover
P2 and P3. For the integers , Z, the positive set
which satisfies P10, P11, and P12
is still N.
The rational numbers , Q, are objects of the form
[p/q], p, q integers, q ¹ 0. The set P of positive rational numbers
is ... (left to the reader).
The Rationals are not All Real Numbers
We shall rely on the following fact outlined in Chapter 2,
Problem 17:
Every natural number n satisfies one and only one of the
ì ï í
ï î
n = 1,
n = ab,a,b Î N,1 < a,b < n.
The definition of a prime number is given in Chapter 2,
Problem 17.
Definition. A natural number p is called a prime number if it is impossible to write p = a b for natural numbers aand bunless one of these is p and the other 1. For convenience, we also agree that 1 is not a prime number.
Theorem. Every natural number n > 1 can be written as a product of primes. The factorization is unique except for the order of the factors (not proved here).
Thus every (positive) rational number r can be written as
r =
where p and q are 1 or are are written as products of
primes with no common factors.
Theorem. There is no rational number r such that
r2 = 2.
Proof: If r2 = 2, write r = [p/q],
where p and q are 1 or are written as products of
primes with no common factors. Then
æ è
ö ø
= 2 ,
= 2 q2,
so that 2 is a factor of p2 and p. Thus p = 2k
and 2 q2 = 4 k2 so that 2 is a factor of q2 and q also.
Remark: The prove of the above theorem is an example of proof by
contradiction . What is the contradiction? The statement
p and q are 1 or are written as products of
primes with no common factors of 2.
is both true and not true .
A real number which is not a rational number is called an
irrational number .
N. B. There is an argument (Spivak, Chapter 2,
Prob. 17) which shows that
Theorem. Suppose that M > 1, t > 1, are natural numbers. Then the tth root of M,
is irrational unless M = pt for some natural number p.
Theorem. Suppose that p, q, t, M are natural numbers such that M > 1, p and q have no common factor and
æ è
ö ø
= M.
M = pt.
Proofs by Induction We wish to prove that a statement [proposition] P(n) is
true for all n. P(n) may
be a sentence, formula, property, ¼.
A good proof by PMI requires:
State precisely and unambiguously P(n).
Prove the base case : P(1) is true. This
step usually requires only a close look at the meaning of the
statement "P(1) is true."
The induction step : P(k) implies P(k + 1).
Write down and assume P(k).
Perform any valid operations to arrive at P(k+1).
It may help to say "We are to show that P(k+1) (write it down!) is true." Remember
that you are free to use valid operations on P(k) and even P(1), ¼, P(k).
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version 3.77. On 04 Sep 2007, 19:59.