MthT 430 Notes Chapter 5a Limits
MthT 430 Notes Chapter 5a Limits


The expression

x ® a 
f(x) = L
is read
The limit of f at x = a is L.
The limit as x approaches a of f(x) is L.
The limit of f(x) is L as x approaches a.
f(x) approaches L as x approaches a.
The function f approaches the limit L near a (Note: no mention of x).
(Briefer - p. 99) f approaches L near a.
The meaning of the phrase is

Provisional Definition. (p. 90) The function f approaches the limit L near a, if we can make f(x) as close as we like to L by requiring that x be sufficiently close to (but ¹ ) a.
(Somewhat Informal) The function f approaches the limit L near a, if f(x) - L is small whenever x - a is small enough (but x ¹ a).
(Different Words - Somewhat Informal) The function f approaches the limit L near a, if f(x) = L + small whenever x = a+ small enough (but x ¹ a).
(Informal) The function f approaches the limit L near a, if f(x) is close to L whenever x is close enough to (but ¹ ) a.
(Explanation of Provisional) You tell me how close you want f(x) to be to L and I will tell you how close x needs to be to a to force f(x) to be as close to L as you requested.
(Explanation of Different Words - Somewhat Informal) f(x) = L + small means that size of f(x) - L is small in the sense that, f(x)- L is as small as we like (whether .1, .00001, 10-100, ¼), by imposing that |x - a| is small enough (but ¹ 0). How small is small enough for x - a depends on how small we require f(x) - L to be.
(More Explanation of Provisional JL) Given a positive size [number] e, there is a positive size [number] d such that if the size of x - a is less than d (but not 0, then the size of f(x) - L is less than e. Here the size of a number is its absolute value.

Definition of Limit

Definition. (p. 96) The function f approaches the limit L near a means: For every e > 0, there is some d > 0 such that, for all x, if 0 < |x -a| < d, then |f(x) - L| < e.

Different Words. (p. 96) The function f approaches the limit L near a means: For every desired degree of closeness e > 0, there is a degree of closeness d > 0 such that, for all x ¹ a, if x -a is within dof a, then f(x) is within eof L.
The phrase a is within e of b means: |a- b| < e.

Change of Notation. The function f approaches the limit L near a means: For every § > 0, there is some © > 0 such that, for all ª, if 0 < |ª-a| < ©, then |f(ª) - L| < §.
Fundamental Properties of Limits

Theorem 1. The limit is unique. If f approaches L near a, and f approaches M near a, then L = M.
Informal Proof: For x near enough to a, f(x) is very close to both L and M. By the triangle inequality,
|L - M|
= |(L - f(x)) + (f(x) - M)|
£ |L - f(x)| + |f(x) - M|
= small+ small
= small.
Thus for x - a small enough, |L - M| is as small as desired. Conclude L = M.

Fact. A number Y = 0 iff for very e > 0, |Y| < e.
Proof: (Text, p. 98.)

Theorem 2. If limx ® a f(x) = L and limx ® a g(x) = M, then

x ® a 
(f + g)(x)
= L + M,

x ® a 
(f ·g)(x)
= L ·M.
If M ¹ 0, then

x ® a 

(x) = 1

Proof. See Spivak, Problems 1.20 ff.
Discussion before the proof: Let's do the result for products. We can make (how? - by requiring x - a to be small enough (and ¹ 0) f(x) = L +smallf and g(x) = M + smallg. Then for x = a +small enough, x ¹ a,
f(x) ·g(x)
= (L + smallf)·(M +smallg)
= L ·M + smallf ·M + L ·smallg + smallf ·smallg
= L ·M + Remainder.
Now it is evident that Remainder can be made as small as we like by requiring |x - a| sufficiently small (but ¹ 0).
The Proof: Given e > 0, we have
| f(x) ·g(x) - L ·M|
= |smallf ·M + L ·smallg + smallf ·smallg|,
where smallf = f(x) - L, smallg = g(x) - M. Now choose d > 0 so that whenever 0 < |x - a| < d,
|smallf| = |f(x) - L|
< e,
|smallg|=|g(x) - M|
< e.
Then whenever 0 < |x - a| < d,
| f(x) ·g(x) - L ·M|
= |smallf ·M + L ·smallg + smallf ·smallg|,
£ |e·M| + |e·L| + e2.
Now if we also assume that e < 1, we have that
(*) £
e·( |M| + |L| + 1),
and it is evident that |f(x) - L| can be made as small as desired. There are a couple of ways:
Choose the d that works for [^(e)] = [(e)/(( |M| + |L| + 1))] > 0.
Use a modified equivalent definition of limit: The function f approaches the limit L near a means: There is an e0 > 0 and a K > 0 such that : For every e, e0 > e > 0, there is a d > 0 such that, for all x, if 0 < |x -a| < d, then |f(x) - L| < K ·e.
Given e > 0, the d such that 0 < |x - a| < d assures |f(x) - L| < e usually depends on e, as well as depending on the point a and function f and all of its properties. Finding an explicit expression for the optimal d is not required nor necessarily interesting unless doing numerical error estimates.
In the product and quotient example, the d = de was chosen with the additional requirement that e < 1.
Pay attention to the domain of the function. See the technical detail on p. 102.
Observe the definitions of one sided limits - also called limits from above [below] and limits from the left [right] .
Thinking About Limits

Definition. (Actual, p. 96)

x ® a 
f(x) = L
means: For every e > 0, there is some d > 0 such that, for all x, if 0 < |x -a| < d, then |f(x) - L| < e.

Definition - Working JL II. 

x ® a 
f(x) = L
For all x = a + smallenufneq0, x is in domainf.
f(x) = L + assmallasdesired, for x = a + smallenufneq0.
assmallasdesired means, given e > 0, then |assmallasdesired| < e is the desired result.
smallenufneq0 means, find a d > 0 such that 0 < |smallenufneq0| < d is the sufficient condition.
smallenuf means, find a d > 0 such that |smallenufneq0| < d is the sufficient condition.

Definition - Working JL II'. 

x ® a 
f(x) = L
For |x - a| smallenufneq0,x is in domainf.
f(x) - L is assmallasdesired,for x - a is smallenufneq0.

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