MthT 430 Notes Chapter 5d Sequences and Limits
MthT 430 Notes Chapter 5d Sequences and Limits
Sequences Cf. Spivak Chapter 22.

Definition. An infinite sequence is a function whose domain is N.
As a convention, we also allow the domain of a sequence to be a subset of N which includes all natural numbers sufficiently large .
If a is the name of the sequence, instead of listing the particular values by
a(1), a(2), …,
we almost always use the subscript notation
a1, a2, ….
We denote the sequence by
Limits of sequences

Definition. A sequence {an} converges to L (in symbols limn → ∞an = L) iff for every ϵ > 0, there is a natural number N such that, for all natural numbers n,
if n > N, then |an − L| < ϵ.
A sequence {an} is said to converge if it converges to L for some [finite!] number L, and to diverge if it does not converge.
For a function f whose domain includes all x sufficiently large and positive ,

x → ∞ 
f(x) = L.
For a sequence {an}, whose domain includes all n sufficiently large and positive ,

n → ∞ 
an = L.

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