MthT 430 Notes Chap7c Bounded Monotone Sequences Have Limits
MthT 430 Notes Chap7c Bounded Monotone Sequences Have Limits
BISHL: Bounded Increasing Sequences Have Limits

Theorem. Let {xn}n=1 be a bounded monotone increasing sequence; i.e.
x1 ≤ x2 ≤ …,
and there is a number M such that for n = 1,2, …,
xn ≤ M.
Then there is a number L such that

n → ∞ 
xn = L.
Proof using (P13-BIN): Without loss of generality, we assume that
0 ≤ x1 ≤ x2 ≤ … ≤ xn ≤ … < 1.
We will construct a binary expansion for L.
A picture is helpful!
Divide the interval [0,1) into two halves.
Is there an n1 such that xn1 ≥ m0 = [1/2] = 0.bin1?
If NO, let c1 = 0, a1 = 0 = 0.binc1, b1 = m0 = a1 + [1/2]. If YES, let c1 = 1, a1 = m0 = [1/2] = 0.binc1, b1 = a1 +[1/2] = 1.
In both cases, for n ≥ n1, a1 = 0.binc1 ≤ xn ≤ b1 = a1 + [1/(21)] and b1 − a1 = [1/(21)].
Next Divide the interval [a1,b1) = [0.binc1, a1 + [1/(21)]) into two halves.
Is there an n2 > n1 such that xn2 ≥ m1 = a1 + [1/(22)]?
If NO, let c2 = 0, a2 = a1 = 0.binc1c2, b2 = m1 = a2 + [1/(22)]. If YES, let c2 = 1, a2 = m1 = 0.binc1c2, b2 = b1 = a2 + [1/(22)].
In both cases, for n ≥ n2, a2 = 0.binc1c2 ≤ xn < b2 = a2 + [1/(22)] and b2 − a2 = [1/(22)].
By recursion (on k), if nk > nk−1, c1, …, ck, ak = 0.binc1…ck, bk = ak + [1/(2k)] have been defined so that for n ≥ nk,
ak = 0.binc1…ck ≤ xn < bk = ak + 1

divide the interval [ak,bk) into two halves.
Is there an nk+1 > nk such that xnk+1 ≥ mk = ak + [1/(2k+1)]?
If NO, let ck+1 = 0, ak+1 = ak = 0.binc1c2…ck+1, bk+1 = mk = ak+1 + [1/(2k+1)]. If YES, let ck+1 = 1, ak+1 = mk = 0.bin c1c2…ck+1, bk+1 = bk = ak+1 + [1/(2k+1)].
In both cases, nk+1 > nk, c1, …, ck, ck+1, ak+1 = 0.binc1…ckck+1, bk+1 = ak+1 + [1/(2k+1)] have been defined so that for n ≥ nk+1,
ak+1 = 0.binc1…ck+1 ≤ xn < bk+1 = ak+1 + 1

= 0.binc1 …ck
k → ∞ 
k → ∞ 
We have that L = limn → ∞xn since for all k, and n > nk,
0 ≤ L − xn ≤ bk − xn ≤ bk − ak 1


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