MthT 430 Small Pond Project
MthT 430 Small Pond Project

There was a very small pond ...


Woebegone County needs a good estimate of the area of Small Pond. Grant funds depend on the area, and there are severe financial penalties for misrepresenting the area.

Above is a representation of Small Pond. Assume that the scale is 1 cm º 10 m . Estimate the area of Small Pond as accurately as you can.
Type your solution. As a minimum, your writeup [typeup] will
Contain only complete sentences ["a = b." is a complete sentence],
State explicitly any assumptions made about the representation of Small Pond,
Describe completely the methods and tools (rulers, calculators, ¼) used to estimate the area,
and, most importantly,
Discuss the error in your approximation and the sources of error.
Suggestions and Submission Dates on Following Page
Some issues you might wish to consider:
How accurate is the representation of Small Pond?
Are there particular regions or points of Small Pond where finding a good approximation might be difficult?
Are there functions related to the project? What are the domains of the functions?
You may wish to view an enlarged picture of the representation.
See lewis/mtht430/chap8c01.gif
You are encouraged to work together, but the typeup must be your own work and acknowledge collaborators.
Assignment due dates:
November 22, 2006- 6 PM: Progress Report - A note to on your progress on the project.
November 29, 2006- 5 PM: Completed typed project due.

File translated from TEX by TTH, version 3.76.
On 07 Nov 2006, 11:52.