Sep 11

Lecture Overview

Here is python code for the substitution cipher.

# A key, which could be randomly generated using
# >>> x = list("abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz")
# >>> random.shuffle(x)
# >>> print x
key = "rbtvpjlwyaigusxzcdmnofhekq"

# The message to encrypt
plaintext = "Hide the gold in the tree stump."
# Replace spaces by x and switch to lower case
plaintext = plaintext.replace(" ", "x").lower()

alphabet = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"
ciphertext = ""

for char in plaintext:
    # the variable char is one of the letters in the plaintext
    # First, check if char is an alphabet character
    if char in alphabet:
        # Lookup the index of char within alphabet.  This turns "a"
        # into 0, "b" into 1, "c" into 2, and so on, since the index
        # location of the letter in the alphabet string is its number.
        i = alphabet.index(char)

        # Now access the cooresponding index of key.  So if for
        # example char was "c", i becomes 2 so we use key[2] which
        # happens to be "t".
        ciphertext += key[i]
        # the character is not an alphabet character like the period, just add it directly.
        ciphertext += char



Implement code for decryption of the substitution cipher. You should be able to mostly copy the encryption code with a few modifications. Try it out to make sure it encrypts and decrypts the messages properly.