Sep 16

Lecture Overview

First, I finished talking about DualArrayDeque, specifically the analysis of the running time.

I then talked about memory management in C++ using new and delete. This is covered at the start of Chapter 4 of Thinking in C++ book.


 #include <string>
 #include <iostream>
 #include <cassert>
 using namespace std;

 #include "arraystack.h"

struct StringDualArrayDeque {
        StringArrayStack *front;
        StringArrayStack *back;

        StringDualArrayDeque() {
            front = new StringArrayStack();
            back = new StringArrayStack();

        ~StringDualArrayDeque() {
            delete front;
            delete back;

        int size() {
            //for this to work you will have to write a size method for StringArrayStack
            return front->size() + back->size();

        string get(int i) {
            //you write this, remember you can use the syntax front->get(100) to access methods through a pointer.

        string set(int i, string x) {
            //you write this

        void add(int i, string x) {
            //you write this

        string remove(int i) {
            //you write this

        void balance() {
            if (front->size() * 3 < back->size() || back->size() * 3 < front->size()) {
                StringArrayStack *new_front = new StringArrayStack();
                StringArrayStack *new_back = new StringArrayStack();

                //you implement the rebalance here

                delete front;
                delete back;
                front = new_front;
                back = new_back;

        void print() {
            cout << "Front" << endl;
            cout << "Back" << endl;
            cout << "--------------" << endl;

int main() {
    StringDualArrayDeque d;

    //add code here to test that the ArrayDeque works