############################################################################# ## PackageInfo.g for the package `crime' Marcus Bishop ## Created from Frank Lübeck's PackageInfo.g template file SetPackageInfo( rec( PackageName := "Crime", Subtitle := "A GAP Package to Calculate Group Cohomology and Massey Products", Version := "1.4", Date := "01/6/2011", ArchiveURL := "http://math.uic.edu/~marcus/Crime/crime-1.4", ArchiveFormats := ".tar.gz", Persons := [ rec( LastName := "Bishop", FirstNames := "Marcus", IsAuthor := true, IsMaintainer := true, Email := "marcus.bishop@gmail.com", WWWHome := "http://math.uic.edu/~marcus", ) ], Status := "accepted", CommunicatedBy := "Bettina Eick (Braunschweig)", AcceptDate := "10/2006", README_URL := "http://math.uic.edu/~marcus/Crime/README", PackageInfoURL:= "http://math.uic.edu/~marcus/Crime/PackageInfo.g", AbstractHTML := Concatenation([ "This package computes the cohomology rings of finite ", "p-groups, induced maps, and Massey products." ]), PackageWWWHome:= "http://math.uic.edu/~marcus/Crime", PackageDoc := rec( BookName := "crime", ArchiveURLSubset := ["doc"], HTMLStart := "doc/chap0.html", PDFFile := "doc/manual.pdf", SixFile := "doc/manual.six", LongTitle := "The Crime Package", Autoload := true ), Dependencies := rec( GAP := ">=4.4", NeededOtherPackages := [], SuggestedOtherPackages := [], ExternalConditions := [] ), AvailabilityTest := ReturnTrue, BannerString:=Concatenation([ "\nThis is CRIME, Version 1.4\n", "\"Obviously crime pays, or there'd be no crime\".\n", " G. Gordon Liddy\n\n" ]), Autoload := false, TestFile := "tst/test.g", Keywords := ["cohomology"], ));